newbie tryping to set up mod_perl on RedHat 9 (need help)
am 15.07.2005 17:11:11 von rshohamHello all,
I am attempting to set up mod_perl on my RedHat 9.
I am following the instructions from a book I bought but have
encountered 2 problems, and have not been able to find the fixes for
them yet.
The book instructed me to add a file in my /etc/httpd/conf/
and this file contains the line:
use Apache::Registry();
my httpd.conf file contains:
PerlRequire /etc/httpd/conf/
PerlFreshRestart On
1) when I attempt to start up the Apache server I get:
Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 1051 of
Invalid command 'PerlFreshRestart', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
module not included in the server configuration
Not sure if PerlFreshRestart is still a valid command, or if has since
been replaced by something else?
2) If I comment out that PerlFreshRestart On line, and try to start the
Apache server, I get:
[error] Can't locate Apache/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/var/www/mod_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at
/etc/httpd/conf/ line 7.!BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/etc/httpd/conf/ line 7.!Compilation failed in require at
(eval 1) line 1.!
[Fri Jul 15 11:06:51 2005] [error] Can't load Perl file:
/etc/httpd/conf/ for server, exiting...!
I am not sure how to proceed to set up this Apache module.
Can anyone direct me to helpful documentation regarding these? or any
althernative sources of assistance.
Best regards,