Linux & OOo conf issues

Linux & OOo conf issues

am 19.07.2005 17:12:18 von Phill Gillespie

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Hi *

I've just had to upgrade from 2.x to 3.51 (there's a bug in OOo 1.9.100+
that fails when using 2.x and unsigned columns). There are no problems
under Windows but under Linux when I connect to the ODBC source my
tables appear with the database name prefixed before them.

The db name is Licensing and the tables now appear as:

Under v2 they would just appear as:

I've looked around everywhere to try to find out how to top this
happening, I assume it would be a magic option in /etc/odbc.ini but no
luck :-(

I hoped using "Option = 64" would work (Ignore use of database name in
|db_name.tbl_name.col_name) but it didn't|.

Has anyone seen this before or know how to fix it?

P h i l l
