4.1.0 subquery problem

4.1.0 subquery problem

am 09.07.2003 23:44:31 von Lee Krawczyk

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I have been testing 4.1.0 subqueries on Linux (Redhat 6.1) and I ran =
into [root@localhost:3306] ERROR 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server =
during query after executing the following:=20

select sum(tbl.sum), sum(cnt) from (select sum, count(*) cnt from wb1 =
group by sum order by cnt desc) tbl

This was done using MySQL Control Center 0.9.2-beta, the latest version =
of Navicat, and the MySQL client for the 4.1.0 version. The error =
message came up after the results were returned correctly to the client.

In the case of MySQL Control Center 0.9.2-beta the message came up =
immediately after the result set was returned. In the latter two cases =
the message did not come up until I tried to execute another select =
statement off of the same database. I was able to reconnect on the =
subsequent execution.

It appears to have something to do with using the group by clause or and =
aggregate function within the derived table. I have had no problems =
doing simple subqueries.

Lee Krawczyk
American Health Group, Inc.