MySQL ODBC and SAS Enterprise Guide

MySQL ODBC and SAS Enterprise Guide

am 05.08.2005 23:21:28 von John.Stubblebine

MyODBC Maintainer:

Two items:
First, on your web page: .html
you list as having been tested: "SBSS" - I am not aware of this
application, but I am aware of "SPSS" the statistical analysis package.
Did you mean SPSS??

A preliminary report on SAS, which is a competitor to SPSS. I plan on
several upgrades, and so will be able to report more information
shortly. See the SAS web site:
and the SAS Learning Edition web site:

I have begun using SAS Enterprise Guide v 1.3, in the form of the SAS
Learning Edition v1.0 with MySQL ODBC 2.5 connected to a server running
MySQL 3.23.56 running on FreeBSD v4.8 Release. I also use MySQL-Front,
v 2.5 on the windows system. My Windows system runs Windows 2000
Professional, with the latest service pack 4 and latest updates from MS.

I am planning to upgrade my server very soon to FreeBSD 5.4 Release and
MySQL 5.09, and on the windows system: SAS Learning Edition v2.0 (which
includes SAS Enterprise Guide v2.1) and MySQL ODBC 3..51.11.

I am finding that the ODBC connection from SAS to the MySQL database
works, but that there are some parts of it that don't work quite OK. I
think it is in the conflict between the MySQL internal format for
storing dates, and the SAS internal format/s for dates, and the
opportunity for correction is in the SAS camp. The numbers and the
text information comes across the ODBC link OK, and all the computing
with them seems to work.

The MySQL-Front display of a date shows: "2005-01-03" and when the
connection to the table is made by SAS, and the table is displayed in
SAS it shows: "1/3/2005" in the column in the table. When the time
series functions are used to analyze the data the SAS software
interprets the date item as a date/time item and completely messes up
the meaning of the date. This throws off all the meaning of the time
series results.

I hope this helps, and especially after I do all the upgrades, more
information will enable you to list SAS as working with MyODBC
connecting to MySQL.

Best regards,

John B. Stubblebine, Ph.D.
President, Consulting Principal
Simplicity Integration, Incorporated
Phone: (408) 255-5565
Fax: (408) 255-2774
1072 South DeAnza Boulevard
Suite A107-363
San Jose, CA 95129

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