copy of linux OS

copy of linux OS

am 07.08.2005 12:00:03 von rekha vn

hi.i have both linux & win98 .i'm trying to create a
third option as TESTLINUX (a copy of existing
linux)for experimenting on the kernel.even if it
crashes i can work on the original linux OS.
i've changed the /boot/grub/grub.conf .now how do i go
about the rest of the process?
reply asap

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Re: copy of linux OS

am 07.08.2005 14:10:23 von rekha vn

I'd like to have a copy of the kernel.
which folder has the whole of the kernel?
how do i specify this path for this copy of kernel in
my grub.conf.i have red hat kernel version 2.4.21-4.EL

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Re: copy of linux OS

am 07.08.2005 19:40:21 von Arturas Moskvinas

> thanks.
> I'd like to have a copy of the kernel.
> which folder has the whole of the kernel?
> how do i specify this path for this copy of kernel in
> my grub.conf.i have red hat kernel version 2.4.21-4.EL

By standart, you'll find your kernel in /boot directory, and kernel
modules in /lib/ directory.

Arturas Moskvinas
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Re: copy of linux OS

am 08.08.2005 06:59:34 von Stephen Samuel

Looking at the following:
[samuel@me ~]$ ls /lib/modules
2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 2.6.12-1.1398_FC4
[samuel@me ~]$ echo

[samuel@me ~]$ ls /boot grub vmlinuz-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 initrd-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4.img vmlinuz-2.6.12-1.1398_FC4
config-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 initrd-2.6.12-1.1398_FC4.img
config-2.6.12-1.1398_FC4 kernel.h
[samuel@me ~]$

I have two kernels:
2.6.12-1.1398_FC4 and 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4

The directories in /lib/modules are created when the kernel
is installed.

in /boot the important files are:$VERSION,
initrd-$VERSION.img and vmlinuz-$VERSION

As far as I know, config-$VERSION is only needed if you
want to know how the kernel was built... It should be possible
to copy it into the /usr/src/linux directory ( or wherever you're
building your kernel) and use it to config a build the same as
the kernel it's associated with.

rekha vn wrote:
> thanks.
> I'd like to have a copy of the kernel.
> which folder has the whole of the kernel?
> how do i specify this path for this copy of kernel in
> my grub.conf.i have red hat kernel version 2.4.21-4.EL

Stephen Samuel +1(604)876-0426
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Re: copy of linux OS

am 06.09.2005 19:13:04 von Kari Hurtta

And then one addition:

initrd files includes system root for boot
process before real partition is mounted. initrd includes some
subset of modules from /lib/modules/{kernel-version}. It is probably generated
with command mkinitrd.

> Looking at the following:
> ============================================
> [samuel@me ~]$ ls /lib/modules
> 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 2.6.12-1.1398_FC4
> [samuel@me ~]$ echo
> [samuel@me ~]$ ls /boot
> grub vmlinuz-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4
> initrd-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4.img vmlinuz-2.6.12-1.1398_FC4
> config-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 initrd-2.6.12-1.1398_FC4.img
> config-2.6.12-1.1398_FC4 kernel.h
> [samuel@me ~]$
> ============================================
> I have two kernels:
> 2.6.12-1.1398_FC4 and 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4
> The directories in /lib/modules are created when the kernel
> is installed.
> in /boot the important files are:$VERSION,
> initrd-$VERSION.img and vmlinuz-$VERSION
> As far as I know, config-$VERSION is only needed if you
> want to know how the kernel was built... It should be possible
> to copy it into the /usr/src/linux directory ( or wherever you're
> building your kernel) and use it to config a build the same as
> the kernel it's associated with.
> rekha vn wrote:
> > thanks.
> > I'd like to have a copy of the kernel.
> > which folder has the whole of the kernel?
> > how do i specify this path for this copy of kernel in
> > my grub.conf.i have red hat kernel version 2.4.21-4.EL
> --
> Stephen Samuel +1(604)876-0426
> Powerful committed communication. Transformation touching
> the jewel within each person and bringing it to light.
> -
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