Re: ANNOUNCE:: DBIx::MyParse 0.20
am 10.09.2005 14:30:34 von Tim.BunceI've been saying that someone should do this for years[1],
so I'm delighted you have.
But it doesn't belong in the DBIx namespace. It's unrelated to the DBI.
MySQL::Parse would be a much more suitable location.
(or perhaps SQL::MyParse, though I think MySQL::Parse is best)
In terms of implementation I think it would be good for you to bundle
the relevant parts of the mysql source tree. (Like DBD::SQLite does.)
That would greatly simplify installation and also avoid problems due to
a mismatch of versions.
[1] It strikes me as odd that db vendors haven't realised the advantage
to be gained by making 'their' dialect of SQL readily embeddable in
other applications.
On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 05:14:35PM +0300, Philip Stoev wrote:
> DBIx::MyParse is a module providing access to the SQL parser from MySQL. The
> module takes a SQL query, runs it through the MySQL parser and outputs a
> parse tree.
> The MySQL parser is lexx/yacc based and is written completely in C/C++, and
> comes from a full-blown database system, which means that it should be both
> fast, reliable, and at the same time cover a big enough subset of the SQL
> standards to be useful in reality. I think this is an improvement over the
> existing situation with the Perl parsing modules in CPAN.
> Please give it a try. Support for some parts of the SQL supported by MySQL
> is still missing, however will be added shortly. The ultimate goal of this
> module would be to enable tranfromations to the parse tree (such as
> optimizations or adding constraints and such), after which the modified tree
> can be fed back to MySQL for execution.
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> Philip Stoev
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