Getting list of Indexes & contrains

Getting list of Indexes & contrains

am 08.09.2005 22:28:40 von andreil1


I am using PostgreSQL 8 and adodb. adodb has a built-in function which=20
scans and retrieves db structure as assotiative array. Unfortunately,=20
it do not list indexes and constrains. What would be a SQL statement=20
to retrieve them?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion(s).

*** =A0 with best regards=20
*** =A0 Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru)
*** =A0 Mac, Linux, DTP, Programming Web Site
*** =A0

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: Getting list of Indexes & contrains

am 13.09.2005 09:58:41 von amedici

If you only want list and not exact description :
Use '\di' for indexes=20
And for sample description of a table '\d '

But for real description you have to cross pg_* tables.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru)
Sent: jeudi 8 septembre 2005 22:29
To: PostgreSQL - PHP
Subject: [PHP] Getting list of Indexes & contrains


I am using PostgreSQL 8 and adodb. adodb has a built-in function which scans
and retrieves db structure as assotiative array. Unfortunately, it do not
list indexes and constrains. What would be a SQL statement to retrieve them?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion(s).

*** =A0 with best regards
*** =A0 Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru)
*** =A0 Mac, Linux, DTP, Programming Web Site
*** =A0

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: Getting list of Indexes & contrains

am 20.09.2005 01:09:03 von Marc McIntyre

If you use -E option when doing issuing a "\di" command in psql it will
show you the query that it performs to list the indexes.

For example:

mmcintyre@beta matrix $ psql -E -U clients marc_dev
Welcome to psql 7.4.7, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help on internal slash commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit

marc_dev=> \di
********* QUERY **********
SELECT n.nspname as "Schema",
c.relname as "Name",
CASE c.relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN 'v' THEN 'view' WHEN 'i'
THEN 'index' WHEN 'S' THEN 'sequence' WHEN 's' THEN 'special' END as "Type",
u.usename as "Owner",
c2.relname as "Table"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON i.indexrelid = c.oid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c2 ON i.indrelid = c2.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Table
--------+--------------------------------+-------+---------+ --------------------------
public | sq_ast_attr_name | index | clients | sq_ast_attr
public | sq_ast_attr_pkey | index | clients | sq_ast_attr
public | sq_ast_attr_type_code | index | clients | sq_ast_attr
public | sq_ast_attr_type_code_key | index | clients | sq_ast_attr
public | sq_ast_attr_uniq_val_pkey | index | clients |
public | sq_ast_attr_val_assetid | index | clients | sq_ast_attr_val
public | sq_ast_attr_val_attrid | index | clients | sq_ast_attr_val
public | sq_ast_attr_val_concat | index | clients | sq_ast_attr_val
public | sq_ast_attr_val_pkey | index | clients | sq_ast_attr_val
public | sq_ast_created | index | clients | sq_ast
public | sq_ast_edit_access_pkey | index | clients |

You can then modify and use this query in your application.

Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru) wrote:

>I am using PostgreSQL 8 and adodb. adodb has a built-in function which
>scans and retrieves db structure as assotiative array. Unfortunately,
>it do not list indexes and constrains. What would be a SQL statement
>to retrieve them?
>Thanks in advance for any suggestion(s).
>*** with best regards
>*** Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru)
>*** Mac, Linux, DTP, Programming Web Site
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Marc McIntyre
MySource Matrix Lead Developer

...>> Sydney ...>
92 Jarrett St T: +61 (0) 2 9568 6866
Leichhardt, F: +61 (0) 2 9568 6733
NSW, 2040 W:

...>> Canberra ...>
Walter Turnbull Bldg T: +61 (0) 2 6233 0607
44 Sydney Ave, F: +61 (0) 2 6233 0696
Forrest, W:
ACT 2603

...>> London ...>
The Old Fire Station, T: +44 (0) 20 7300 7321
140 Tabernacle St, F: +44 (0) 870 112 3394
London EC2A 4SD W:

......>> Open Source - Own it - ...../>

IMPORTANT: This email (and any attachments) is commercial-in-confidence and or may be legally privileged and must not be forwarded, copied or shared without express permission from Squiz. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not legally copy, disclose or use the contents in any way and you should contact immediately and destroy this message and any attachments. Thank you.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: Getting list of Indexes & contrains

am 05.10.2005 00:21:11 von jnasby

You might also want to look at as some of the queries there
are more efficient than what's in psql (some by a couple orders of
magnitude IIRC).

On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 09:09:03AM +1000, Marc McIntyre wrote:
> If you use -E option when doing issuing a "\di" command in psql it will
> show you the query that it performs to list the indexes.
> For example:
> mmcintyre@beta matrix $ psql -E -U clients marc_dev
> Welcome to psql 7.4.7, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
> Type: \copyright for distribution terms
> \h for help with SQL commands
> \? for help on internal slash commands
> \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
> \q to quit
> marc_dev=> \di
> ********* QUERY **********
> SELECT n.nspname as "Schema",
> c.relname as "Name",
> CASE c.relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN 'v' THEN 'view' WHEN 'i'
> THEN 'index' WHEN 'S' THEN 'sequence' WHEN 's' THEN 'special' END as "Type",
> u.usename as "Owner",
> c2.relname as "Table"
> FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
> JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON i.indexrelid = c.oid
> JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c2 ON i.indrelid = c2.oid
> LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner
> LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
> WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
> AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
> AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
> ORDER BY 1,2;
> **************************
> List of relations
> Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Table
> --------+--------------------------------+-------+---------+ --------------------------
> public | sq_ast_attr_name | index | clients | sq_ast_attr
> public | sq_ast_attr_pkey | index | clients | sq_ast_attr
> public | sq_ast_attr_type_code | index | clients | sq_ast_attr
> public | sq_ast_attr_type_code_key | index | clients | sq_ast_attr
> public | sq_ast_attr_uniq_val_pkey | index | clients |
> sq_ast_attr_uniq_val
> public | sq_ast_attr_val_assetid | index | clients | sq_ast_attr_val
> public | sq_ast_attr_val_attrid | index | clients | sq_ast_attr_val
> public | sq_ast_attr_val_concat | index | clients | sq_ast_attr_val
> public | sq_ast_attr_val_pkey | index | clients | sq_ast_attr_val
> public | sq_ast_created | index | clients | sq_ast
> public | sq_ast_edit_access_pkey | index | clients |
> sq_ast_edit_access
> :
> You can then modify and use this query in your application.
> Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru) wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I am using PostgreSQL 8 and adodb. adodb has a built-in function which
> >scans and retrieves db structure as assotiative array. Unfortunately,
> >it do not list indexes and constrains. What would be a SQL statement
> >to retrieve them?
> >
> >Thanks in advance for any suggestion(s).
> >
> >
> >************************************************
> >*** with best regards
> >*** Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru)
> >*** Mac, Linux, DTP, Programming Web Site
> >***
> >***
> >************************************************
> >
> >---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> >TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Marc McIntyre
> MySource Matrix Lead Developer
> ..>> Sydney ...>
> 92 Jarrett St T: +61 (0) 2 9568 6866
> Leichhardt, F: +61 (0) 2 9568 6733
> NSW, 2040 W:
> ..>> Canberra ...>
> Walter Turnbull Bldg T: +61 (0) 2 6233 0607
> 44 Sydney Ave, F: +61 (0) 2 6233 0696
> Forrest, W:
> ACT 2603
> ..>> London ...>
> The Old Fire Station, T: +44 (0) 20 7300 7321
> 140 Tabernacle St, F: +44 (0) 870 112 3394
> London EC2A 4SD W:
> .....>> Open Source - Own it - ...../>
> IMPORTANT: This email (and any attachments) is commercial-in-confidence and
> or may be legally privileged and must not be forwarded, copied or shared
> without express permission from Squiz. If you are not the intended
> recipient, you may not legally copy, disclose or use the contents in any
> way and you should contact immediately and destroy this
> message and any attachments. Thank you.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant
Pervasive Software work: 512-231-6117
vcard: cell: 512-569-9461

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster