SSH daemon segmentation fault

SSH daemon segmentation fault

am 21.09.2005 09:23:23 von Martin Klier

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Hi there,

I'm experiencing a strange, annoying ssh daemon problem, I'm rather=20

At transmitting huge files (about 2GB) via scp to the ssh server, I earn an=
"Connection reset by peer" in about 90% of the cases, in average between th=
100th and 1800th megabyte of transfer. Long-lasting ssh sessions without hu=
data amounts remain untouched.

Tracking down the issue, I found out that the TCP session is terminated by=
flags RST,ACK, for which RFC793 says "connection not known to the stack".
Due to this, I started verbose logging of the daemon, the end of the log=20
created by sshd -ddd follows here:

debug2: channel 0: window 61440 sent adjust 69632

debug2: channel 0: window 61440 sent adjust 69632
debug2: channel 0: window 61440 sent adjust 69632
Segmentation fault
Nothing further, of course the process is dead now.

The client tells me the following:

debug3: channel 0: close_fds r -1 w -1 e -1 |========> 75% 1509MB 10.5MB/s 00:46 ETA
Read from remote host svdbslx007: Connection reset by peer
lost connection
I see, referencing to the received RST the client could not do anything=20
else :)

The SSH server is a SLES9 32bit, I already updated to SP1 and SP2 - no chan=
of the behaviour. Actually the sshd version is OpenSSH_3.8p1.

As client I tried several SuSE versions (9.3 Prof at current patch level,=20
SLES9 32bit at SP2, SLES9 64bit SP1, etc...) and my Debian Sarge stable=20
notebook. Always the same.

Are there any suggestions?

Thanks in advance and best regards,
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

i.A. Martin Klier
PC-Benutzerunterstützung / Linux-Server
IT Asset Management

A.T.U - Auto-Teile-Unger
Dr.-Kilian-Straße 11
92637 Weiden

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Re: SSH daemon segmentation fault

am 21.09.2005 11:33:26 von Michael Iatrou

When the date was Wednesday 21 September 2005 10:23, Martin Klier wrote:

> Actually the sshd version is OpenSSH_3.8p1.

Update it to OpenSSH 4.1p1.
If you really need to hunt the bug, try to strace sshd.

Michael Iatrou
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
University of Patras, Greece
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Re: SSH daemon segmentation fault

am 21.09.2005 15:13:15 von Martin Klier

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Hi Michael,

Am Mittwoch, 21. September 2005 11:33 schrieb Michael Iatrou:
> Update it to OpenSSH 4.1p1.
I think it's not possible, I need the certified base OS for support contrac=
SuSE does not provide a newer version.

> If you really need to hunt the bug, try to strace sshd.
I will try and keep you updated.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

i.A. Martin Klier
PC-Benutzerunterstützung / Linux-Server
IT Asset Management

A.T.U - Auto-Teile-Unger
Dr.-Kilian-Straße 11
92637 Weiden

Telefon: (0961) 306-5663
Telefax: (0961) 306-9345663


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