PATCH: mysql-test-run fix for missing /usr/bin/time

PATCH: mysql-test-run fix for missing /usr/bin/time

am 03.09.2002 17:18:55 von Michael Widenius


>>>>> "Martin" == Martin MOKREJ writes:

Martin> Hi,
Martin> I tried make test on linux and I got errors about "command not found".
Martin> I figured out, when /usr/bin/time is not present, the script fails
Martin> completely.

Martin> How-To-Repeat:

Martin> ./mysql-test-run.ori: line 1: which:: command not found

Martin> I suggest to add to mysql-test-run something like

Martin> if [ -z $TIME ] ; then
Martin> echo "Cannot find program time using 'which time' command! Exiting!"
Martin> exit 1
Martin> #echo "Cannot find program time using 'which time' command!"
Martin> #echo "ls -la /usr/bin/time"
Martin> #ls -la /usr/bin/time
Martin> #echo "Setting blindly \$TIME = \"time\""
Martin> #TIME=time
Martin> fi

I have now fixed that one gets a nice error message if any of the
command we search after is missing.


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