Re: Action required for {Re: Delivery Server}

Re: Action required for {Re: Delivery Server}

am 31.03.2004 20:09:02 von MaryChristine

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I use Spam Sleuth to screen all my e-mail. The message you sent to me has been queued for delivery, but has not been delivered because Spam Sleuth did not recognize your From address.

If you would perform the following simple action, your message will be delivered to my InBox and your From address will be added to Spam Sleuth so that any further e-mails from you will go straight to my InBox for my prompt attention.

Click on the link below. At that site, you will be asked to type a few letters. The e-mail you sent earlier will then be automatically delivered to my InBox. You won't need to send your message again. UYWlsRmFybXMub3JnLGJ1Z3NAbGlzdHMubXlzcWwuY29tLDA0MDMzMTEzMDk wMjkyMQ==