RV: prblem whit myodbc 3.51.11

RV: prblem whit myodbc 3.51.11

am 20.10.2005 21:20:48 von Carlos Olivas

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Carlos Olivas Barba [mailto:carlosolivas@seagarden.com.mx]
Enviado el: Jueves, 20 de Octubre de 2005 11:49 a.m.
Para: 'Micol lupen'
Asunto: RE: prblem whit myodbc 3.51.11

How do you connect to the Server? What's your connection string?
If you use ADO, in MyODBC 2.50 driver name was "MyODBC" but in 3.51 is
"MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver"

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Micol lupen [mailto:galaxi_999@yahoo.it]
Enviado el: Jueves, 20 de Octubre de 2005 05:46 a.m.
Para: myodbc
Asunto: prblem whit myodbc 3.51.11

Hi gays
I have this problem:
I build a program, whith borland c++ builder 5
Enterprice, this program connect to Mysql(ver 3.23.55)
on server linux, Red Hat 7.3 (ValHalla).
the clients are p.c whit win 95, win 98, win 2000.
When i use myodbc 2.50.39 i connect to mysql and use
normal, but if i install myodbc 3.51.11 i have this
message: "No Database Select" or "Userid or Passwrd
not correct" do you help me?
thanks for all
p.s. excuse me fo my bad English.

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