Hotmail/Yahoo servers blacklisted?

Hotmail/Yahoo servers blacklisted?

am 10.11.2005 02:41:40 von mig30m6

Can anyone confirm whether certain MSN Hotmail servers have been
blacklisted internet-wide with at least the last 6 weeks? I was
reading, I think in this group, that Hotmail servers have indeed been
blacklisted. I don't know how recently. The reason I am asking is
that several people that in my contact list (and I am in theirs) are
not receiving any email from me. I've also noticed this issue
cropping up in Yahoo mail during the last 3 weeks. Can anyone also
confirm that? If this turns out to be true, does anyone know why both
services may have been blacklisted by other mail servers? I realize it
is not the entire list of servers that have been blacklisted under the
Yahoo or MSN domain, but probably specific servers that have been
blocked. I heard a rumor that the reason why Yahoo servers are being
blacklisted is because, according to, senderbase lists
Yahoo as the top domain used to spam. I would appreciate some insight.
Just for the record, I have tried to troubleshoot sending or receiving
issues and have come to the conclusion my problem is due to spamming or
blacklisting. If I haven't thought of something, let me know.

Re: Hotmail/Yahoo servers blacklisted?

am 10.11.2005 02:50:08 von Sam

This is a MIME GnuPG-signed message. If you see this text, it means that
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> Hello
> Can anyone confirm whether certain MSN Hotmail servers have been
> blacklisted internet-wide with at least the last 6 weeks? I was

Hotmail has been a source of major spewage in the last 6 weeks, and it's
fairly likely that various blacklists have been plonking Hotmail, on and

> reading, I think in this group, that Hotmail servers have indeed been
> blacklisted. I don't know how recently. The reason I am asking is
> that several people that in my contact list (and I am in theirs) are
> not receiving any email from me.

If you expect E-mail to be a reliable medium, with or without Hotmail, in
general, boy are you in for a surprise.

> I've also noticed this issue
> cropping up in Yahoo mail during the last 3 weeks. Can anyone also
> confirm that? If this turns out to be true, does anyone know why both
> services may have been blacklisted by other mail servers?

Let me guess. Spam?

> I realize it
> is not the entire list of servers that have been blacklisted under the
> Yahoo or MSN domain, but probably specific servers that have been
> blocked. I heard a rumor

Don't listen to rumors.

> that the reason why Yahoo servers are being
> blacklisted is because, according to, senderbase lists
> Yahoo as the top domain used to spam. I would appreciate some insight.

Here's some insight: if you want reliable E-mail, the last place you will
look is either Yahoo, or Hotmail, in any case.
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Re: Hotmail/Yahoo servers blacklisted?

am 10.11.2005 14:52:52 von Frank Slootweg wrote:
> Just for the record, I have tried to troubleshoot sending or receiving
> blacklisting. If I haven't thought of something, let me know.
> Thanks.

Instead of guessing, why don't you *test* things? You have a Hotmail
account and you imply that you have a Yahoo account. Your ISP is Sprint
Canada, which I assume also has a mailserver (and you a Sprint e-mail
address). So why don't you test sending and receiving between these

FWIW, I have no problems with my Yahoo accounts.

Re: Hotmail/Yahoo servers blacklisted?

am 11.11.2005 11:55:53 von Hector

wrote in message .
> Hello
> Can anyone confirm whether certain MSN Hotmail servers have been
> blacklisted internet-wide with at least the last 6 weeks?

There is no central blacklisting system that every "internet-wide" uses.
There are some popular ones, like, but I doubt the seriously
popular ones are blocking

> Just for the record, I have tried to troubleshoot sending or receiving
> issues and have come to the conclusion my problem is due to spamming or
> blacklisting. If I haven't thought of something, let me know.
> Thanks.

No doubt, and are among the top most abuse domains
names. But that is all the reason why you shouldn't depend on using a or email. You might be getting lumped or profiled with
the "Suspicious Domain" Group.

For example, a site might have a rule:

if 2821.MailFrom or 2822.From is or
then check the rest of the mail. It is usually junk.

Also, YAHOO.COM is using DomainKeys. In my opinion, this is one reason for
the increase of spam over the past year. Yahoo says

"Hey, we got this great your anti-spoof system
called Domainkey!! Kiss me. I'm wonderful"

and since 99.99% of the world doesn't support DOmainkeys, the spammers are
using social engineering behind it to fool people that since you got
"" mail, it must be protected by DomainKeys. The fact is, its not.
Yahoo is making things worst for the rest of the work. Well,thats another sad story.

Two things:

1) Here Microsoft started to use SENDER-ID and it is so technically flawed,
its frivilous PATENT is not worth worrying about it. Thats how bad it is
and Microsoft is very keen on how flawed it is. Expect HIGHER bandwidth
transactions (bigger payloads) because that is where the stupid PRA
(Purported Responsible Address) is supposed to be picked up.

The problem? over 84% of the time, it is equal to the SMTP MAIL FROM address
thus creating a wasted payload problem. Any site that begins using
Sender-ID is simply asking for trouble.

2) Microsoft's Sender-ID is a merged version of SPF and Microsoft CallerID
For Email (MSCEP). MSCEP is a clone of SPF. When AOL announced SPF, not
to be outdone, MS cloned SPF by changing it into XML format and called it
CALLERID FOR EMAIL. The IEFF got both parties together and the final result
was SENDERID/PRA which is also called SPF 2.0. MS tried to take over the
world again by patenting it and all hell broke out. Today we have SPF 1.0
(CLASSIC), and SPF 2.0 which is SENDERID+PRA.

Anyway, Guess what? Microsoft still has a CALLERID setup in their DNS

Type, nslookup -query=txt

and you will see the XML record: text =



That XML record exposes the machines that HOTMAIL.COM sends mail from. It
shows 3 groups of machines. Repeat the nslookup for each one, for example:

nslookup -query=txt

to begin the ip addresss.

Anyway, notice, it says its a TESTING=YES?

Well, its been in testing for 2 years now!!! TESTING says, "dont reject
me". So spammers see this and USE HOTMAIL.COM hoping that stupid sites
will listen to them!! Me? I ignore the testing option :-)

Its stuff like this that gets them blocked are various individual sites.
