DAO with mysql 5.0

DAO with mysql 5.0

am 15.11.2005 16:46:41 von Mark Mchugh

I am using the following code

Set dbEmployees = OpenDatabase("", dbDriverComplete,

Set recsetEmployees =
dbEmployees.OpenRecordset("employees", dbOpenDynaset)

Set Data1.Recordset = recsetEmployees

is there anyway to have a DAO recordset that i can
define the sql?

i.e. "Select * from employees where age > 30"



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Re: DAO with mysql 5.0

am 15.11.2005 17:07:31 von SGreen

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Mark Mchugh wrote on 11/15/2005 10:46:41 AM:

> Hi,
> I am using the following code
> Set dbEmployees = OpenDatabase("", dbDriverComplete,
> False,
> "ODBC;DSN=myEmployees;UID=root;PWD=;Database=Employees")
> Set recsetEmployees =
> dbEmployees.OpenRecordset("employees", dbOpenDynaset)
> Set Data1.Recordset = recsetEmployees
> is there anyway to have a DAO recordset that i can
> define the sql?
> i.e. "Select * from employees where age > 30"
> thanks
> Mark

First, verify that you are using DAO and not ADO.

Here is an example of using DAO to populate some forms. They use the
database.OpenRecordset() method but I am sure there are more ways to do
it. Have you actually read the DAO documentation?
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;1645 82

I found an archived copy of the DAO docs here:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/archive/default.asp?url=/archive/e n-us/office97/html/output/F1/D2/S5A25F.asp

And a C++ version here:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/e n-us/vccore/html/_core_Database_Topics_.28.DAO.29.asp

Having worked with both, the C++ and VB/VBA interfaces are similar enough
that the methods and parameters are close enough for you to use one set of
docs to work with the other language.

Sorry! I ran out of time or I would keep searching for you...

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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RE: DAO with mysql 5.0

am 16.11.2005 23:12:30 von jbonnett

I think you can just write

Set recsetEmployees =3D
dbEmployees.OpenRecordset("Select * from employees where age > 30",

It looks like you are using a data control. I find them more trouble
than they are worth, except for very simple database access. They are
good for beginners and allow you to get something going quickly but you
soon grow out of them when you try to do anything more complicated.

John B.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Mchugh [mailto:mark_mch@yahoo.com]=20
Sent: Wednesday, 16 November 2005 2:17 AM
To: mysql list
Subject: DAO with mysql 5.0

I am using the following code

Set dbEmployees =3D OpenDatabase("", dbDriverComplete,
"ODBC;DSN=3DmyEmployees;UID=3Droot;PWD=3D;Database=3DEmploye es")

Set Data1.Recordset =3D recsetEmployees=20

is there anyway to have a DAO recordset that i can
define the sql?=20

i.e. "Select * from employees where age > 30"



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