Re: Testing my odbc connection gives an error "Request returned with SQL_ERROR"
am 16.11.2005 10:58:42 von wycliffe mutumba
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Hi all,
I have a problem, i have downloaded and installed mysql odbc 3.51,
configured all the necessary parameter, but when i try to test
the connection, i get this error.
"Request returned with SQL_ERROR"
What could be the problem?
NB: The database to which i want to connect to is on a suse linux machine,
and i installed the odbc drivers on some windows machine ont the same network as the linux machine which has my database.
Mutumba Wycliffe
Mob: 256 71 351375
Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.
Re: Testing my odbc connection gives an error "Request returned withSQL_ERROR"
am 25.11.2005 05:08:31 von pharvey
wycliffe mutumba wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem, i have downloaded and installed mysql odbc 3.51,
> configured all the necessary parameter, but when i try to test
> the connection, i get this error.
> "Request returned with SQL_ERROR"
> What could be the problem?
> NB: The database to which i want to connect to is on a suse linux machine,
> and i installed the odbc drivers on some windows machine ont the same network as the linux machine which has my database.
> Thanks
>Mutumba Wycliffe
>Mob: 256 71 351375
> Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.
Try connecting using another tool - such as one of the GUI tools we have
at or a command-line tool. BTW: you fail to mention which
tool you are using to test the connection or any other details about
your environment.
Peter Harvey, Software Developer
Are you MySQL certified?
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