Perl script for scanning files

Perl script for scanning files

am 02.12.2005 19:42:20 von Anton van der Steen

Hey guys,

Here a script for searching for words or phrases in files.
The lines cna be shown with one press on the button.

I have tested this program on a text file of 2 Gb and it took 8 minutes to
present a result scannin on the letter 'e'.

I use Perl from .
No extra Perl Modules have to be installed.

Success and have fun with. I use it a lot.


use Tk;

my $mw = new MainWindow; # Main Window

my $frm_name = $mw -> Frame() -> pack();
my $lab1 = $frm_name -> Label(-text=>"Phrase :") -> pack();
my $ent1 = $frm_name -> Entry(-width=>100) -> pack();

my $lab2=$frm_name->Label(-text=>"File :")->pack();
my $ent2=$frm_name->Entry(-width=>100)->pack();

my $but1 = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Count Appearance Phrase", -command
=>\&push_button1) -> pack();

my $but2 = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Show text", -command =>\&push_button2) ->

my $but3 = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Clear Text Area", -command
=>\&push_button3) -> pack();

#Text Area
my $txt = $mw -> Text(-width=>130, -height=>40) -> pack();


sub push_button1 {

use Getopt::Std;

my $name1 = $ent1 -> get();
my $name2 = $ent2 -> get();
#$txt -> insert('end',"Hello, $name1, $name2");
@ARGV= ($name1, $name2);
#print @ARGV;


my $pattern = shift @ARGV;

foreach $file (@ARGV)
open (FILE, $file);
while ($line = )
if ($line =~m"$pattern")
last if ($opt_1);
#print "Het woord is gevonden in het document\n";
#print "$file: $line\n" if (!$opt_1);
#$txt-> insert ('end', "$file, $line");


#print "$file" if ($opt_1);
print "The phrase $pattern is $i times found!!\n";

$txt-> insert ('0.0',"The phrase $pattern is $i times found in file
#$txt-> insert ('0.0', "$file, $line");
close (FILE);


sub push_button2 {

use Getopt::Std;

my $name1 = $ent1 -> get();
my $name2 = $ent2 -> get();
#$txt -> insert('end',"Hello, $name1, $name2");
@ARGV= ($name1, $name2);
#print @ARGV;


my $pattern = shift @ARGV;

foreach $file (@ARGV)
open (FILE, $file);
while ($line = )
if ($line =~m"$pattern")
last if ($opt_1);
#print "Het woord is gevonden in het document\n";
#print "$file: $line\n" if (!$opt_1);
#$txt-> insert ('end', "$file, $line");
$txt-> insert ('end', "$line");

#print "$file" if ($opt_1);
#print "Het woord $pattern is $i keer gevonden\n";

#$txt-> insert ('end',"Het woord $pattern is $i keer gevonden in bestand
#$txt-> insert ('end', "$file, $line");
close (FILE);



sub push_button3 {
$txt-> delete ('0.0', 'end');



Re: Perl script for scanning files

am 02.12.2005 21:54:52 von Justin C

On 2005-12-02, Anton van der Steen wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Here a script for searching for words or phrases in files.
> The lines cna be shown with one press on the button.

Wow! You really are a life-saver. I've been waiting *so* long for
someone to post one of those. Now I can get paid. Yawn.


Justin C, by the sea.

Re: Perl script for scanning files

am 16.12.2005 02:59:04 von Anton van der Steen

Justin C wrote:
> On 2005-12-02, Anton van der Steen wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > Here a script for searching for words or phrases in files.
> > The lines cna be shown with one press on the button.
> Wow! You really are a life-saver. I've been waiting *so* long for
> someone to post one of those. Now I can get paid. Yawn.
> Justin.
> --
> Justin C, by the sea.

Did you have any success with this Perl script

Re: Perl script for scanning files

am 17.12.2005 13:48:37 von Justin C

On 2005-12-16, wrote:
> Justin C wrote:
>> On 2005-12-02, Anton van der Steen wrote:
>> > Hey guys,
>> >
>> > Here a script for searching for words or phrases in files.
>> > The lines cna be shown with one press on the button.
>> Wow! You really are a life-saver. I've been waiting *so* long for
>> someone to post one of those. Now I can get paid. Yawn.
> Did you have any success with this Perl script

How thick skinned are you? Does sarcasm not exist in Holland?


Justin C, by the sea.