ANNOUNCE: Regexp::Common::time
am 08.12.2005 13:20:09 von sdn.girths00869-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Greetings, Perl Community.
I am pleased to post a new module, Regexp::Common::time, to
This is a plug-in module for Regexp::Common. It provides
out-of-the-box regular expressions for parsing most common date/time
formats, including most ISO-8601 style date/time strings. Even
better, it allows you to build arbitrarily complex date/time
patterns from strftime's "%" formats, or from Time::Format's
mnemonic formats. It is also locale-aware. (thus, it can match
month and day names in the language appropriate for the current
This module is part of a trio of modules for handling conversion
of date data to and from string representations. Time::Format
makes it easy to convert dates/times into formatted strings;
Regexp::Common::time aids in reading date/time strings; and
Time::Normalize takes the date/time components (from
Regexp::Common::time, for example), checks them for errors, and
transforms them into a standardized representation so you don't
have to.
These modules don't do computations or other date/time
manipulations; there are excellent modules already on CPAN that do
that. These modules are for formatted I/O of date/time data... in
just about every imagineable manner.
Regexp::Common::time is a new module, so of course use it with
caution. Still, it has a test suite with over 7000 tests in it.
It is reasonably fast, too; the test suite runs in 4 seconds on my
creaky old home computer. But since it is new and hasn't been
extensively battle-hardened, there may be surprises lurking beneath
the surface. Bug reports are welcome.
I have high hopes for this module. May it be useful to you.
- --
Eric J. Roode
`$=`;$_=\%!;($_)=/(.)/;$==++$|;($.,$/,$,,$\,$",$;,$^,$#,$~,$ *,$:,@%)=(
$!=~/(.)(.).(.)(.)(.)(.)..(.)(.)(.)..(.)......(.)/,$"),$=++; $.++;$.++;
$_++;$_++;($_,$\,$,)=($~.$"."$;$/$%[$?]$_$\$,$:$%[$?]",$"&$~ ,$#,);$,++
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