ODBC ErrorCode issue

ODBC ErrorCode issue

am 20.12.2005 11:17:55 von zhaoxin

I have a issue with PostgreSQL ODBC Driver (psqlodbc-08.01.0102)
If I use this driver to connect database , it always return the same
error code like this : sqlstate = HY000 , NativeError = 7 whatever
error occurred .
so I can not differ the error type with the sqlstate and NativeError
that occurred .
I try to change the driver to psqlodbc-8_01_0104 , the issue do not
happen. but what is wrong with psqlodbc-08.01.0102 ?

zhao xin

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Re: ODBC ErrorCode issue

am 21.12.2005 14:12:17 von Ludek Finstrle

> I have a issue with PostgreSQL ODBC Driver (psqlodbc-08.01.0102)
> If I use this driver to connect database , it always return the same
> error code like this : sqlstate = HY000 , NativeError = 7 whatever
> error occurred .
> so I can not differ the error type with the sqlstate and NativeError
> that occurred .
> I try to change the driver to psqlodbc-8_01_0104 , the issue do not
> happen. but what is wrong with psqlodbc-08.01.0102 ?

I don't understand you well. When you get error? We have opposite report.
The psqlodbc-08.01.0102 returns proper sqlstate after statement error
and 08.01.0104 don't. I fixed it. Please take a look at:
http://pgfoundry.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=10004 95&group_id=1000125&atid=538

If you have another problem feel free to describe it better (e.g. append
your mylog output and comment it when it differs from your expectation.



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