Problem opening database
am 23.12.2005 18:07:22 von Les Stockton------=_Part_4271_24007192.1135357642432
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I have used this code and have successfully connected to the MySQL server.
For some reason, however, it doesn't seem to know that I have connected to =
particular database.
Be aware that DB is an ADODB.Connection object in VB6
DB.ConnectionString =3D "DRIVER=3D{MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" _
& "Location=3D" & SQLServerName _
& "Initial Catalog=3D" & UCase(DatabaseName) _
& "Data Source=3D" & UCase(DatabaseName) _
& "OPTION=3D" & 4 + 16 + 524288
DB.Properties("User ID").Value =3D SQLUserName
DB.Properties("Password").Value =3D SQLPassword
DB.CursorLocation =3D adUseClient
DB.CommandTimeout =3D 300
The connectionString ends up as:
Provider=3DMSDASQL.1;Password=3Dxyz;User ID=3Droot;Data
Source=3DTestCreate;Location=3Dlocalhost;Extended Properties=3D"DRIVER=3D{M=
3.51 Driver};OPTION=3D524308"
It does believe the connection is done, and I can do queries if I put the
database.table together when selecting on a particular table. However, jus=
specifying the table name, I get "no database selected".
I specify the database in "Initial Catalog" and in "Data Source". Not sure
what to do to get this to work.
Les Stockton
3844 Cincinnati Avenue
Winchester, Ok 74421
You do dat, you go to da box, you know, uh, two minutes by yourself, and yo=
feel shame, you know, and then you get free. ~Denis Lemieux