database diagram program...

database diagram program...

am 05.01.2006 15:58:07 von Andreas

Hi all!

I'm wondering if you have any good suggestions on program to create an
ER diagram of a database... (sort of like the one shipped with MS SQL
(sorry for cursing in this group :)))


Re: database diagram program...

am 05.01.2006 20:31:00 von Bill Karwin

wrote in message .
> I'm wondering if you have any good suggestions on program to create an
> ER diagram of a database... (sort of like the one shipped with MS SQL
> (sorry for cursing in this group :)))

Have you seen DBDesigner 4? It can connect to a MySQL database, analyze the
tables and fields, and produce an ER diagram. And it's free!

Also, there's a successor to DBDesigner, called MySQL Workbench.
It's still in alpha release, but here's the announcement with links to

Bill K.

Re: database diagram program...

am 09.01.2006 20:56:56 von Andreas

Thans bill!

I have only tried the mysql workbench yet and I really like what I
