Looking for an authentication software based on RADIUS

Looking for an authentication software based on RADIUS

am 10.01.2006 16:21:24 von Oliver Habegger


I am looking for an authentication software with RADIUS support and the
following features:

- Username
- Password
- Secret question

So the idea is that the user need to enter not only the username and
password, additionaly he needs also to enter the answer of a secret question

- colour of your car
- maiden name of your mother
- etc

The set of question would be nice if it is configurable and the user should
be able to select the question independendly the first time he logs on.

Anyone know such a software?

If the software is implemented on a web reverse proxy directly, even better!

Thanks and bye,

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Re: Looking for an authentication software based on RADIUS

am 11.01.2006 11:03:25 von Ludovic Joly

Hi Oliver

RADIUS offers quite few possibilities, and a software doing what you
would like would probably simply build a composite password from the
two parts (simple password and question). More conceptually, the
authentication scheme of such a solution remains "password": something
you know, and it adds virtually no security.

To enhance authentication security, you need strong authentication,
like two factors authentication that combines two (or more) of the
following: something you know (password), something you have (a
hardware token), something you are (biometrics).

If your need is for a corporate deployment then feel free to contact me
directly as I might find the right strong authentication solution for
your company.

Kind regards
Ludovic Joly