sequence was re-created

sequence was re-created

am 17.07.2002 12:19:36 von Peter

What would create this notice in the php log:

NOTICE: billing_requests_id_seq.nextval: sequence was re-created

I'm performing the query:
select nextval('billing_requests_id_seq') as nextid;

What does it mean "sequence be re-created"?

Thanks for any help.

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Re: sequence was re-created

am 19.07.2002 02:37:26 von Josh Berkus


> NOTICE: billing_requests_id_seq.nextval: sequence was re-created
> I'm performing the query:
> select nextval('billing_requests_id_seq') as nextid;

That's really odd. Can you post the version of Postgres you are running, =
the output of the PSQL command
\d billing_requests_id_seq

-Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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