About to update the PostgreSQL-Functions in the PHP Manual

About to update the PostgreSQL-Functions in the PHP Manual

am 18.08.2002 14:39:01 von Cornelia Boenigk

Hi everyone,

I am in the process of updating some parts of the PHP manual, and
in the next few days the "PostgreSQL Functions" area is where I'll be
up to.

Is there anything which anyone would like to be added, clarified,
updated, or similar for this?



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Re: About to update the PostgreSQL-Functions in the PHP

am 18.08.2002 19:11:29 von Keary Suska

on 8/18/02 6:39 AM, poppcorn@cornelia-boenigk.de purportedly said:

> Hi everyone,
> I am in the process of updating some parts of the PHP manual, and
> in the next few days the "PostgreSQL Functions" area is where I'll be
> up to.
> Is there anything which anyone would like to be added, clarified,
> updated, or similar for this?
> :-)

One little gotcha that got me was that in previous PHP versions (I don't
recall which exactly, but at least prior to 4.1) the number_format()
function would return a decimal value without trailing 0's if no decimal
precision was specified. Now, decimal values are truncated if no precision
is specified. It may have been a bug before, but it was a behavior I relied

Also it should be mentioned that strtotime() cannot parse date formats that
use a dash (-) as a delimiter, probably because the algorithm cannot
distinguish between its use as a delimiter and as a relative value, e.g. "-2

Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
"Leveraging Open Source for a better Internet"

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