mySQL 5.0.18 and stored procedures

mySQL 5.0.18 and stored procedures

am 20.01.2006 21:58:42 von Marty

Is there an issue with stored procedure and mySQL v5.0.18 ?

We are programming an application that need stored procedures and
triggers and our programmer can't make them work, is it a know issue or
our programmer missed something?


Re: mySQL 5.0.18 and stored procedures

am 20.01.2006 23:38:36 von lbutler


How are you accessing the database?

Using DBD::mysql seems to have some issues that several people are
trying to find an answer to.

Check in your programming environment for a flag like
CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS. I seems that it needs to be set to allow
stored procedures to return multiple items.

I have not other answers, just still trying to get an answer for


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Re: mySQL 5.0.18 and stored procedures

am 21.01.2006 00:35:21 von Bill Karwin

"Marty" wrote in message
> Is there an issue with stored procedure and mySQL v5.0.18 ?
> We are programming an application that need stored procedures and triggers
> and our programmer can't make them work, is it a know issue or our
> programmer missed something?

I don't know of any issue with stored procedures. I assume they've been
tested pretty thoroughly in My SQL 5.0 beta. Have you searched the MySQL
bug site?

Are you sure you are using MySQL 5.0 for the server?

Perhaps if you give some more details on what specifically he is trying to
do with stored procedures, what is the actual code he is trying to execute,
and what happens that makes you think it is not working? Any error
messages, for example, would be informative.

It's difficult to comment on newsgroup postings such as yours above.

Bill K.

Re: mySQL 5.0.18 and stored procedures

am 22.01.2006 13:04:25 von circuit_breaker

Stored procedures work fine here, on both Linux and Win32. There is
huge forum about Stored Procedures on the web site:


Marty wrote:
> Is there an issue with stored procedure and mySQL v5.0.18 ?
> We are programming an application that need stored procedures and
> triggers and our programmer can't make them work, is it a know issue or
> our programmer missed something?
> Regards,
> Marty