Please help me solve the problem about dict and dictd.
am 21.01.2006 08:01:50 von qiang
Hello, guys!
Those days, I installed dictd-1.9.15.tar.gz
and some dictionary database at the same time.
Lastly, binary "dictd" and "dict" were installed in the directory
"/usr/local/sbin" and "/usr/local/bin" respectively.
Below are my "/etc/dictd.conf" and
"/etc/dict.conf"(dict.conf is as the same as ~/.dictrc):
$ cat /etc/dictd.conf
access {
allow localhost
database web1913 { data "/usr/lib/dict/"
index "/usr/lib/dict/web1913.index" }
database wn { data "/usr/lib/dict/"
index "/usr/lib/dict/wn.index" }
database gazetteer { data "/usr/lib/dict/"
index "/usr/lib/dict/gazetteer.index" }
$ cat /etc/dict.conf
server localhost
Next, I ran the command "/usr/local/sbin/dictd".
But I did not find it in the procedure list.
I also ran the command "dict zoo -c ~/.dictrc -h localhost".
But terminal told me:
Cannot connect to any servers (use -v to see why)
If I ran the command "dict zoo",
terminal gave me the explanation of "zoo".
I am confused.
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Re: Please help me solve the problem about dict and dictd.
am 21.01.2006 12:50:41 von hackmiester
Hm. Comment out the line 'server' in /etc/dict.conf and tell us
the results of "dict zoo" now.
Walk a mile in my shoes and you will be a mile away in a new pair of shoes.
Qiang wrote:
> Hello, guys!
> Those days, I installed dictd-1.9.15.tar.gz
> and some dictionary database at the same time.
> Lastly, binary "dictd" and "dict" were installed in the directory
> "/usr/local/sbin" and "/usr/local/bin" respectively.
> Below are my "/etc/dictd.conf" and
> "/etc/dict.conf"(dict.conf is as the same as ~/.dictrc):
> ****************************************
> $ cat /etc/dictd.conf
> access {
> allow localhost
> allow
> }
> database web1913 { data "/usr/lib/dict/"
> index "/usr/lib/dict/web1913.index" }
> database wn { data "/usr/lib/dict/"
> index "/usr/lib/dict/wn.index" }
> database gazetteer { data "/usr/lib/dict/"
> index "/usr/lib/dict/gazetteer.index" }
> ****************************************
> $ cat /etc/dict.conf
> server localhost
> server
> ****************************************
> ****************************************
> Next, I ran the command "/usr/local/sbin/dictd".
> But I did not find it in the procedure list.
> I also ran the command "dict zoo -c ~/.dictrc -h localhost".
> But terminal told me:
> Cannot connect to any servers (use -v to see why)
> If I ran the command "dict zoo",
> terminal gave me the explanation of "zoo".
> I am confused.
> Thanks.
> -
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Re: Please help me solve the problem about dict and dictd.
am 21.01.2006 13:05:45 von qiang
[qiang@QQ qiang]$ cat /etc/dictd.conf
access {
allow localhost
database web1913 { data "/usr/lib/dict/"
index "/usr/lib/dict/web1913.index" }
[qiang@QQ qiang]$ cat /etc/dict.conf
server localhost
[qiang@QQ qiang]$ cat .dictrc
server localhost
[qiang@QQ qiang]$ su
[root@QQ qiang]# /usr/local/sbin/dictd
[root@QQ qiang]# exit
[qiang@QQ qiang]$ ps -e | grep "dictd" > 1
[qiang@QQ qiang]$ cat 1
[qiang@QQ qiang]$ dict zoo
5 definitions found
From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:
Zoo- \Zo"o-\
A combining form from Gr. zwo^,n an animal, as in zoogenic,
zoology, etc.
[1913 Webster]
From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:
n : the facility where wild animals are housed for exhibition
[syn: {menagerie}, {zoological garden}]
From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:
20 Moby Thesaurus words for "zoo":
Festschrift, ana, anthology, aquarium, body, chrestomathy,
collectanea, collection, compilation, corpus, data, florilegium,
fund, holdings, library, menagerie, museum, raw data, treasure,
zoological garden
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (27 SEP 03) [foldoc]:
{Berkeley Yacc}
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (27 SEP 03) [foldoc]:
A data {compression} program and format by
Rahul Dhesi. Zoo is reported to use the same {Lempel Ziv}
algorithm as {LHA}. It is available for many {platforms} and
{source} is available. .zoo archives are handled by many
other PC archiving programs.
Version 2.10 was released in 1989. Search the web for zoo210
to obtain an executable.
{Description (}.
[qiang@QQ qiang]$
Did it really visit local server?
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