Looking for help

Looking for help

am 28.08.2002 00:56:07 von Joseph L Montes

I am new to combining PHP and Postgres. I am able to Select and create
tables by using the Select * From "table" command fine, but What happens
if I only want to select a couple of fields. How do I go about this.
also how do you select from a table that is not all lower case. Granted
this is probably quite simple, but I am new to this. thanks ewveryone
Joseph L Montes
Senior Systems Engineer
Zenplex Inc.
317 Madison Ave. suite 1500
New York New York
V(212)499-0668 Ext. 203

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Re: Looking for help

am 28.08.2002 01:05:52 von Patrick Hatcher

Use quotes around the field and table names that are not all lower case:

$result = pg_query($db," Select 'Field1',field2, 'fEild3' From'TABLE1' ");

Patrick Hatcher

Joseph L Montes
> cc:
Sent by: Subject: [PHP] Looking for help

08/27/2002 03:56 PM

I am new to combining PHP and Postgres. I am able to Select and create
tables by using the Select * From "table" command fine, but What happens
if I only want to select a couple of fields. How do I go about this.
also how do you select from a table that is not all lower case. Granted
this is probably quite simple, but I am new to this. thanks ewveryone
Joseph L Montes
Senior Systems Engineer
Zenplex Inc.
317 Madison Ave. suite 1500
New York New York
V(212)499-0668 Ext. 203

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Re: Looking for help

am 28.08.2002 01:20:42 von Cornelia Boenigk

Hi Joseph

> but What happens
> if I only want to select a couple of fields.
Then you tell the server which fields you want to select;-)

SELECT field1, field2, ... , fieldn FROM table ...

> how do you select from a table that is not all lower case
what do you mean? what is not all lower case?
PostgreSQL returns the contents of the fields as they are. If you need
the results to be in lower case use
SELECT lower(fieldx), lower(field2),... FROM table
SELECT upper(field1), upper(field2), ... FROM table.

See chapter 4.4 of the PostgreSQL user's Guide for more.

The PHP-Functions to change case are strtoupper() and strtolower().

Hope it helps


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Re: Looking for help

am 28.08.2002 02:06:14 von pgerzson

2002. augusztus 28. 01:05 dátummal Patrick Hatcher ezt írta:
> Use quotes around the field and table names that are not all lower
> case:
> Ex:
> $result = pg_query($db," Select 'Field1',field2, 'fEild3'
> From'TABLE1' ");

AFAIK, opstgres needs double quotes to handle objects' names literally
-- as written:

$result = pg_query($db,' Select "Field1",field2, "fiEld3"
From "TABLE1"');

text within simple quotes represents string literals.

Papp, Gyõzõ
- pgerzson@freestart.hu

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Re: Looking for help

am 28.08.2002 03:38:01 von Keary Suska

on 8/27/02 4:56 PM, jmontes@zenplex.com purportedly said:

> also how do you select from a table that is not all lower case. Granted
> this is probably quite simple, but I am new to this. thanks ewveryone

Table and column names are not case-sensitive in Postgres.

Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
"Leveraging Open Source for a better Internet"

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