Continous buzzing sound in kde

Continous buzzing sound in kde

am 27.03.2004 04:05:58 von heisspf


In slackware 9.1 where I had to change from alsa to OSS sound system due to
distorted sounds with alsa I still can not open kde desktop.

Trying to do so I get a continuous, annoying buzz, necessitating a quick
ctrl-alt-backspace retreat.

This shows on the console:

AudioIO::close(): entering
AudioIOOSSThreaded::stopThread() entering
waiting for writerThread to finish
AudioIOOSSTHreaded::writerThread() fatal error writing to a audio_fd
AudioIOOSSThreaded::writerThread() thread stopped
AudioIOOSSTHreaded::readerThread() fatal error reading from audio_fd
AudioIOOSSThreaded::readerThread() thread stopped
waiting for readerThread to finish
AudioIOOSSThreaded::stopThread(): leaving
AudioIO::close(): leaving

Any suggestions to stop this buzzing sound?

There is no sound problem with gnome or fvwm2.


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Re: Continous buzzing sound in kde

am 27.03.2004 09:13:46 von Richard Adams

On Saturday 27 March 2004 04:05, Peter H. wrote:
> In slackware 9.1 where I had to change from alsa to OSS sound system due to
> distorted sounds with alsa I still can not open kde desktop.
> Trying to do so I get a continuous, annoying buzz, necessitating a quick
> ctrl-alt-backspace retreat.

Without knowing the soundcard and computer specs how can one even start to
help you Peter.
You may well have explained in a previous mail however i dont keep mail after
the thread dies.

If the Linux community is a bunch of theives because they
try to imitate windows programs, then the Windows community
is built on organized crime.

Regards Richard

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