fedora Up2date
am 31.03.2004 13:40:52 von Rei Shinozuka
i am new to fedora (i guess to some extent we all are)
anyway, i started the Up2date from the exclamation point icon on the
toolbar as root, and it seems to be successfully getting packages
(some number of which it complains are corrupted)... but it's so
slow! it's been running for a couple of days now. every once in a while
i notice a popup complaining of corrupted file (presumably it's stopped
during that time).
is this slowness of Up2date normal?
my current kernel is 2.4.22-1.2115.nptl
Rei Shinozuka shino@panix.com
Ridgewood, New Jersey
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Re: fedora Up2date
am 01.04.2004 21:48:58 von Richard Adams
On Wednesday 31 March 2004 13:40, Rei Shinozuka wrote:
> is this slowness of Up2date normal?
I have only ever used up2date once years ago when i installed Redhat-X (cant
remember which version it was, anyway, up2date uses i belive the ftp
protocol, so if one has a megabit cable link, then one should expect a
megabit performance.
In otherowrds if it was painly slow then something is/was possably wrong with
your inet connection, be it configuration of hardware only you can see that
at your location as you were so polite as not to mention what you use.
Sounds like a question for the Redhat team at Redhat.com or fedora.com.
If the Linux community is a bunch of theives because they
try to imitate windows programs, then the Windows community
is built on organized crime.
Regards Richard
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