Noflushd usage
am 01.04.2004 06:53:35 von Joshua Rogers
Slightly curious here. I have fairly new computer here that I got from maybe 4 months ago. I decided to install linux and windows
on it. Ok. I installed a 100Gb harddrive into the computer that has
all my data on it. And the drive sounds like a jet plane.
How can I (or can I not) make noflushd turn off the second hard drive
after about 15 minutes?
My first drive is /dev/hda. It contains Windows 2000 on an NTFS
partition, Windows 98 on Fat32, Lycoris (can't remember the fs) and
Debian (on ReiserFS). I don't mind this drive, it's quiet and contains
only the OSes.
My other drive is /dev/hdb. It is the 100Gb Drive. It consists of 5
partitions, all of which are of type Fat32. My computer is only about 3
feet from my bed, so this drive would definately keep me up. Either
that or have to keep shutdown every night.
Also, when I shutdown, if there is something ready to write to the
drive, will it save, or will the kernel just ignore it.
I'm running linux kernel 2.6.4, with ACPI enabled. It's a custom
kernel, so if I need to make some modifications, I will.
I'm going to be trying this on my Debian Install. I know I can't make
/dev/hda spin down (because of the ReiserFS), but I would like to be
able to spin down /dev/hdb (containing only FAT32 partitions.)
Oh, one last thing (sorry), I don't know if this has anything to do with
it, but when I type 'acpi' at konsole it responds "No support for device
type: battery". Is this important? I'm running a desktop, so I'm not
using a battery to power the system.
Thanks and sorry for the length of the post.
Joshua Rogers
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Re: Noflushd usage
am 01.04.2004 17:23:15 von Matthew Frederico
On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 22:53, Joshua Rogers wrote:
> Slightly curious here. I have fairly new computer here that I got from
> maybe 4 months ago. I decided to install linux and windows
> on it. Ok. I installed a 100Gb harddrive into the computer that has
> all my data on it. And the drive sounds like a jet plane.
> How can I (or can I not) make noflushd turn off the second hard drive
> after about 15 minutes?
I believe "hdparm" is the command you are looking for.
something like:
"hdparm -s 30 /dev/hdb"
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Re: Noflushd usage
am 01.04.2004 18:03:23 von chuck gelm net
Matthew Frederico wrote:
>On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 22:53, Joshua Rogers wrote:
>>Slightly curious here. I have fairly new computer here that I got from
>> maybe 4 months ago. I decided to install linux and windows
>>on it. Ok. I installed a 100Gb harddrive into the computer that has
>>all my data on it. And the drive sounds like a jet plane.
>>How can I (or can I not) make noflushd turn off the second hard drive
>>after about 15 minutes?
>I believe "hdparm" is the command you are looking for.
>something like:
>"hdparm -s 30 /dev/hdb"
I think that argument is uppercase, i.e.:
hdparm -S 240 /dev/hdb
p.s. man hdparm for details.
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Re: Noflushd usage
am 01.04.2004 21:30:36 von Richard Adams
On Thursday 01 April 2004 06:53, Joshua Rogers wrote:
> How can I (or can I not) make noflushd turn off the second hard drive
> after about 15 minutes?
Why use such a program when there is a linux command called 'hdparm'
man hdparm
Should explain, or
/usr/sbin/hdparm -Sxx /dev/hdb
Where -Sxx is -S30 or whatever you choose for your noisy drive.
If the Linux community is a bunch of theives because they
try to imitate windows programs, then the Windows community
is built on organized crime.
Regards Richard
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