Remote X

Remote X

am 11.04.2004 16:08:18 von facundo.suarez

Hi all.

I am trying to set up a remote X conection. And i am reading about XFr=
I will tell you what i understood, and you tell me if i am wrong.
I did some tests in my pc. i have started two or more Xfree86 server l=

$:XFree86 :(a) vt(b)

and after that, run wmaker like this:

$:wmaker -display :(a)

and it worked fine. I think i can do something like this, but running
wmaker in another pc on my lan, like:

$:wmaker -display

where is the ip from machine where i started XFree86. I th=
this shoud start wmaker any pc from my lan, working in host
this correct?, or need to change something?. what is it?.

Besides, i know about VNC. I have tried it, and it is great how it wor=
windo$/linux platforms crossover. But, if you know about any other way =
make remotes X sessions, please, tell me. I will ask you, too, about an=
window$ X client to work with Xfree86, if there is any.

Thaks !!

/ ___/
/ /_ ____ ____ ____ Facundo Su=E1rez - facundo.suarez@ensi.=
/ __/ / __ \ / ___\ / __ \ Instrumentos - ENSI SE
/ / / /_/ / / /___ / /_/ / Arroyito - Argentina
/_/ \_____\ \____/ \____/ Usuario Registrado Linux

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Re: Remote X

am 12.04.2004 19:37:02 von beolach

Hash: SHA1

That's correct. The only step you left out, is you need to tell the
XServer to allow the remote computer to display on the XServer, with xh=

=46or example:

host1$:XFree86 :(a) vt(b)
host1$:xhost +host2

host2$:wmaker -display host1:(a)

Conway S. Smith

Juan Facundo Su=E1rez wrote:
> Hi all.
> I am trying to set up a remote X conection. And i am reading about
> I will tell you what i understood, and you tell me if i am wrong.
> I did some tests in my pc. i have started two or more Xfree86 server=
> this:
> $:XFree86 :(a) vt(b)
> and after that, run wmaker like this:
> $:wmaker -display :(a)
> and it worked fine. I think i can do something like this, but runnin=
> wmaker in another pc on my lan, like:
> $:wmaker -display
> where is the ip from machine where i started XFree86. I =
> this shoud start wmaker any pc from my lan, working in host Is
> this correct?, or need to change something?. what is it?.
> Besides, i know about VNC. I have tried it, and it is great how it w=
> windo$/linux platforms crossover. But, if you know about any other wa=
y to
> make remotes X sessions, please, tell me. I will ask you, too, about =
> window$ X client to work with Xfree86, if there is any.
> Thaks !!
> _____
> / ___/
> / /_ ____ ____ ____ Facundo Su=E1rez -
> / __/ / __ \ / ___\ / __ \ Instrumentos - ENSI SE
> / / / /_/ / / /___ / /_/ / Arroyito - Argentina
> /_/ \_____\ \____/ \____/ Usuario Registrado Linux
> -
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e" in
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RE: Remote X

am 13.04.2004 16:55:20 von facundo.suarez

Hi, i could do it. I am really happy about that.

Now, what i need is to connect a window$ machine, as an X server, to a
session / window manager on a remote linux machine. I have heared about
cygwin / winx32. I am trying cygwin, but i dont understand how to set i=
t up,
to use it, as an X server. Running the cygwin application, it opens
something too much like an "xterm". I can run many linux commands in th=
I tried to "XFree86" or "startx" commands, but nothing. Have i install =
an x
server on cygwin to make it work?. Any help?.

Besides, i will try xwin32 too. If anyone can tell me something to "ta=
care" for using it, or any help, i will be very thaks.

See you !

| -----Mensaje original-----
| De:
| []En nombre de Beolach
| Enviado el: Lunes, 12 de Abril de 2004 02:37 p.m.
| Para: Juan Facundo Su=E1rez
| Cc:
| Asunto: Re: Remote X
| Hash: SHA1
| That's correct. The only step you left out, is you need to tell the
| XServer to allow the remote computer to display on the
| XServer, with xhost.
| For example:
| host1$:XFree86 :(a) vt(b)
| host1$:xhost +host2
| host2$:wmaker -display host1:(a)
| HTH,
| Conway S. Smith

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Re: Remote X

am 13.04.2004 18:59:36 von beolach

Hash: SHA1

I've never done this, so I don't have much info for you. But the one
thing I can think of, is you might want to make sure you are using
cygwin/X, not just cygwin. cygwin is just a port of the standard *nix
console commands (ls, cp, cat, dd, etc.), whereas cygwin/X adds a port
of the X Window System, including an X Server. For more info see

Also note there a probably several other M$ Windows X Servers out there=
but I personally have never used any, so I can't recommend one over any

Good luck,
Conway S. Smith

Juan Facundo Su=E1rez wrote:
> Hi, i could do it. I am really happy about that.
> Now, what i need is to connect a window$ machine, as an X server, to=
> session / window manager on a remote linux machine. I have heared abo=
> cygwin / winx32. I am trying cygwin, but i dont understand how to set
it up,
> to use it, as an X server. Running the cygwin application, it opens
> something too much like an "xterm". I can run many linux commands in
> I tried to "XFree86" or "startx" commands, but nothing. Have i instal=
an x
> server on cygwin to make it work?. Any help?.
> Besides, i will try xwin32 too. If anyone can tell me something to "=
> care" for using it, or any help, i will be very thaks.
> See you !

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RE: Remote X

am 13.04.2004 19:29:56 von Chris.Little

perhaps even better is

depending on your distribution, you probably already have the server
installed. at your linux box just type "vncserver" it'll ask you for =
password for the session.

then from your webbrowser, http://your.linux.ip.address:580x where "x" =
the display number.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Beolach []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 12:00 PM
> To: Juan Facundo Su=E1rez
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Remote X
> Hash: SHA1
> I've never done this, so I don't have much info for you. But the one
> thing I can think of, is you might want to make sure you are using
> cygwin/X, not just cygwin. cygwin is just a port of the standard *ni=
> console commands (ls, cp, cat, dd, etc.), whereas cygwin/X adds a por=
> of the X Window System, including an X Server. For more info see
> .
> Also note there a probably several other M$ Windows X Servers=20
> out there,
> but I personally have never used any, so I can't recommend=20
> one over any
> other.
> Good luck,
> Conway S. Smith
> Juan Facundo Su=E1rez wrote:
> > Hi, i could do it. I am really happy about that.
> >
> > Now, what i need is to connect a window$ machine, as an X=20
> server, to a
> > session / window manager on a remote linux machine. I have=20
> heared about
> > cygwin / winx32. I am trying cygwin, but i dont understand=20
> how to set
> it up,
> > to use it, as an X server. Running the cygwin application, it opens
> > something too much like an "xterm". I can run many linux commands i=
> there.
> > I tried to "XFree86" or "startx" commands, but nothing.=20
> Have i install
> an x
> > server on cygwin to make it work?. Any help?.
> >
> > Besides, i will try xwin32 too. If anyone can tell me=20
> something to "take
> > care" for using it, or any help, i will be very thaks.
> >
> > See you !
> >
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
> C8DzqvJ88i/QWyUiORWkU98=3D
> =3DRi9v
> -
> To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe=20
> linux-newbie" in
> the body of a message to
> More majordomo info at
> Please read the FAQ at
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RE: Remote X

am 14.04.2004 14:01:55 von facundo.suarez

I know about VNC. I have used it. I am trying something else. Thanks !

| -----Mensaje original-----
| De:
| []En nombre de Little, Chris
| Enviado el: Martes, 13 de Abril de 2004 02:30 p.m.
| Para:
| Asunto: RE: Remote X
| perhaps even better is
| depending on your distribution, you probably already have the server
| installed. at your linux box just type "vncserver" it'll
| ask you for a
| password for the session.
| then from your webbrowser, http://your.linux.ip.address:580x
| where "x" is
| the display number.

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Re: Remote X

am 15.04.2004 07:51:45 von Eric

On Sunday 11 April 2004 09:08, Juan Facundo Su=E1rez wrote:
> Hi all.

> Besides, i know about VNC. I have tried it, and it is great how it w=
> windo$/linux platforms crossover. But, if you know about any other wa=
y to
> make remotes X sessions, please, tell me. I will ask you, too, about =
> window$ X client to work with Xfree86, if there is any.

Google for NXClient and NXServer. It is fairly easy to set up and does=20
compression so it will work respectably even over dial up, will forward=
sound, and a host of other neat stuff. Plus they have a linux and windo=
client which both work awesomely. Check it out. I think their company n=
ame is=20
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Re: Remote X

am 15.04.2004 20:26:50 von Stephen Samuel

=46irst thing to note here, is a bit of nomenclature.
=46or X windows, the server is the machine with the DISPLAY
The client is the one running the program.

I"m going to presume here, that the Linux box is
supposed to be the server.

=46irst of all, you need to make sure that the Linux box
is allowing connections from the remote machine. If you've
already started a window manager (looks like you're using
windowmaker,) you do NOT need to start it again from the PC,
but you DO need to provide access to the PC from the Linux server

if you have a local xterm running on the PC, try going:

xhost +

(presuming that this is the address of the PC). This is the
most INsecure way of doing this (read up on xauth for a better way),
but it's OK for testing.

if you want to be *really* insecure,
xhost +

will allow ANY machine which can get packets to your box to open
up a connection.

On the PC, try something simpler than another windowing program, like
an xterm, or xclock....

xclock -display

[ I'm presumimg that (a) is replaced by a number...]

Note: if you really want to start windowmaker from the PC,
then you should NOT be starting it on the Linux box... You don't
want two window managers running at the same time on one (virtual)

Juan Facundo Su=E1rez wrote:
> Hi all.
> I am trying to set up a remote X conection. And i am reading about X=
> I will tell you what i understood, and you tell me if i am wrong.
> I did some tests in my pc. i have started two or more Xfree86 server=
> this:
> $:XFree86 :(a) vt(b)
> and after that, run wmaker like this:
> $:wmaker -display :(a)
> and it worked fine. I think i can do something like this, but runnin=
> wmaker in another pc on my lan, like:
> $:wmaker -display
> where is the ip from machine where i started XFree86. I =
> this shoud start wmaker any pc from my lan, working in host 192.168.0=
1. Is
> this correct?, or need to change something?. what is it?.
> Besides, i know about VNC. I have tried it, and it is great how it w=
> windo$/linux platforms crossover. But, if you know about any other wa=
y to
> make remotes X sessions, please, tell me. I will ask you, too, about =
> window$ X client to work with Xfree86, if there is any.
> Thaks !!
> _____
> / ___/
> / /_ ____ ____ ____ Facundo Su=E1rez - facundo.suarez@ens=
> / __/ / __ \ / ___\ / __ \ Instrumentos - ENSI SE
> / / / /_/ / / /___ / /_/ / Arroyito - Argentina
> /_/ \_____\ \____/ \____/ Usuario Registrado Linux
> -
> To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-newbi=
e" in
> the body of a message to
> More majordomo info at
> Please read the FAQ at

Stephen Samuel +1(604)876-0426
Powerful committed communication. Transformation touching
the jewel within each person and bringing it to light.
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Setting permissions via SSH upload to 777

am 13.10.2004 20:43:23 von Eve Atley

When someone SSH's into our Redhat Linux box, all files that are
uploaded are set to read-only. How can I set it so files are
automatically set to 777, or 775 at the very least?


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RE: Setting permissions via SSH upload to 777

am 13.10.2004 21:11:22 von Eve Atley

Will that allow any read/write? I suppose not at 555. Is there another
way to give write ability, short of the user setting it him/herself?

At any rate, how can I go about giving the most permissions upon upload?

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Little, Chris []
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 3:07 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Setting permissions via SSH upload to 777

At best, I believe, you will get 555. I don't think it will allow the
execute bit to be set.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eve Atley []
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 1:43 PM
Subject: Setting permissions via SSH upload to 777

When someone SSH's into our Redhat Linux box, all files that are
uploaded are set to read-only. How can I set it so files are
automatically set to 777, or 775 at the very least?


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RE: Setting permissions via SSH upload to 777

am 13.10.2004 21:13:15 von Chris.Little

Sorry. The reply-to wasn't set to the list and I didn't check.

Brain outgassing there. I should have said 666, not 555. Yes it will allow
r/w, just not execute.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eve Atley []
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 2:11 PM
To: 'Little, Chris'
Subject: RE: Setting permissions via SSH upload to 777

Will that allow any read/write? I suppose not at 555. Is there another
way to give write ability, short of the user setting it him/herself?

At any rate, how can I go about giving the most permissions upon upload?

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Little, Chris []
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 3:07 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Setting permissions via SSH upload to 777

At best, I believe, you will get 555. I don't think it will allow the
execute bit to be set.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eve Atley []
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 1:43 PM
Subject: Setting permissions via SSH upload to 777

When someone SSH's into our Redhat Linux box, all files that are
uploaded are set to read-only. How can I set it so files are
automatically set to 777, or 775 at the very least?


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Re: Setting permissions via SSH upload to 777

am 13.10.2004 21:23:14 von Ray Olszewski

At 02:43 PM 10/13/2004 -0400, Eve Atley wrote:

>When someone SSH's into our Redhat Linux box, all files that are
>uploaded are set to read-only. How can I set it so files are
>automatically set to 777, or 775 at the very least?

First, you shouldn't. It is NEVER smart, from a security standpoint, to
create a *default* condition where a file is writable by someone other than
its owner. There are special situations in which you need to do this, of
course, but making it the system *default* for uploaded files -- especially
for executables, but even for config files -- is asking for trouble.

Second, are you talking here about scp transfers or something else? On a
case-by-case basis, a user of scp can (on the client end) use the -p flag
to preserve permissions so they match the settings on the source system.

Third, here I find that scp transfers default to 755 (or 644 if the source
file wasn't executable), a decent default setting. This is (or should be)
derived from the default umask setting, which on my system is set in
/etc/profile ... but can be modified on a user-by-user basis in
/etc/.bash_profile. The method of setting these defaults varies bit among
Linux distrbutions (I'm running Debian-Sid here), so Red Hat may use
..profile or .bashrc or some other variant for the user-level settings, and
/etc/login.defs for the systemwide settings. This is also shell specific,
so the details will be different if you don't use bash.

There is also a command-line app "umask" you can use to set this value for
a user. The only man page I can find for umask is a section-2 (programming
calls) entry, but it does explain how umask values relate to permissions.

BTW, I just saw your other message, and that respondant had write and
execute mixed up. 555 is r-xr-xr-x; 666 is rw-rw-rw-.

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2 questions: 1. ssh permissions to 777 and 2. recursively change all directories/files to 777

am 09.12.2004 22:11:50 von Eve Atley

First question...
We have people SSHing into our Linux box from overseas (India to US, company
access only). But files that are uploaded from these people become read-only
to anyone else accessing them. We *require* that they be readable/writable
by this side of the pond (US). How can I set this to occur? Otherwise, this
method of transferring files will *not* work for us, and perhaps someone can
point me to another solution.

Second question...
How can I recursively set all files/directories to 777?
Chmod -R 777 *.* ... Didn't seem to hit everything.



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Re: 2 questions: 1. ssh permissions to 777 and 2. recursively change all directories/files to 777

am 09.12.2004 22:12:23 von Jeff Woods

At 12/9/2004 04:11 PM -0500, Eve Atley wrote:
>Second question...
>How can I recursively set all files/directories to 777?
>Chmod -R 777 *.* ... Didn't seem to hit everything.

"Linux is not Windows." Lots of filenames on Linux (and other Unix-ish
systems) don't have a period in them.

If you *really* mean "everything" then:
chmod -R 777 /

Jeff Woods

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Re: 2 questions: 1. ssh permissions to 777 and 2. recursively change all directories/files to 777

am 09.12.2004 22:57:25 von Ray Olszewski

At 04:11 PM 12/9/2004 -0500, Eve Atley wrote:

>First question...
>We have people SSHing into our Linux box from overseas (India to US, company
>access only). But files that are uploaded from these people become read-only
>to anyone else accessing them. We *require* that they be readable/writable
>by this side of the pond (US). How can I set this to occur? Otherwise, this
>method of transferring files will *not* work for us, and perhaps someone can
>point me to another solution.

So you want an uploaded file to be mode 777, writable (and executable, if
you really mean 777, not 666) by any user on the system? OK. Change the
account's umask, in ./.profile, or ./.bashrc, or whatever user-specific
file is appropriate to your setup. (Or make the corresponding change in a
systemwide file, like /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc or whatever ... the
specifics vary a bit from one distro to another, and even there I am
assuming your site uses bash). Usually the umask is 022, which generates
permissions 755; you want it to be 000.

Or, it may depend on how these usees are trensferring files after they ssh
in, something you don't actually mention. If we are discussing scp
transfers, it might be easier to have the users use the -p flag when they
do the transfers, so the transferred file will keep the permissions it had
on its source system (but I don't know that they are mode 777 either).

>Second question...
>How can I recursively set all files/directories to 777?
>Chmod -R 777 *.* ... Didn't seem to hit everything.

Since the relevant command is "chmod", not "Chmod" (case counts in
Linux/Unix commands), I'm surprised you hit *anything* with the command as
written. Your use of "all" is also a bit ambiguous .. but if you want to
chmod all the files in or below the PWD to mode 777, you'll need this command:

chmod -R 777 ./*

(Even this will not chmod **all** files, because because by convention
almost all Linux/Unix commands treat files that begin with a dot character
as special, so standard wildcards (*) will not match them. So this command
will chmod files with names like filename and filename.txt, but not one
with names like .filename . I don't know a general way to include such files.)

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Re: 2 questions: 1. ssh permissions to 777 and 2. recursively changeall directories/files to 777

am 09.12.2004 23:35:08 von Simon Valiquette

Ray Olszewski a =E9crit :
> So you want an uploaded file to be mode 777, writable (and executabl=
> if you really mean 777, not 666) by any user on the system? OK. Chan=
> the account's umask, in ./.profile, or ./.bashrc, or whatever
> user-specific file is appropriate to your setup.

I would also had done something likes that. Then, if you want those
users to be _forced_ to put all their files world readable, I don't kno=
how to do it. The closest I know is with a cron that change back the
permissions with chmod every 5 minutes or a script runned at logout tim=
(maybe scp also execute .logout).

> Since the relevant command is "chmod", not "Chmod" (case counts in
> Linux/Unix commands), I'm surprised you hit *anything* with the comm=
> as written.

It surelly really was chmod. Typo, or Outlook that automatically
fixed the case (I remember seeing things likes that many years ago when
I was still using Windows).

> chmod -R 777 ./*
> (Even this will not chmod **all** files, because because by conventi=
> almost all Linux/Unix commands treat files that begin with a dot
> character as special, so standard wildcards (*) will not match them.=
> this command will chmod files with names like filename and filename.=
> but not one with names like .filename . I don't know a general way t=
> include such files.)

chmod -R 777 .

Note the "." at the end. That will do it for the current directory,
and all files/directories that start from the inode represented by "."

Simon Valiquette

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Re: 2 questions: 1. ssh permissions to 777 and 2. recursively changeall directories/files to 777

am 10.12.2004 11:37:54 von Jim Nelson

Eve Atley wrote:
> First question...
> We have people SSHing into our Linux box from overseas (India to US, company
> access only). But files that are uploaded from these people become read-only
> to anyone else accessing them. We *require* that they be readable/writable
> by this side of the pond (US). How can I set this to occur? Otherwise, this
> method of transferring files will *not* work for us, and perhaps someone can
> point me to another solution.
> Second question...
> How can I recursively set all files/directories to 777?
> Chmod -R 777 *.* ... Didn't seem to hit everything.
> Thanks!
> -Eve
Question 1:
Try setting the umask in the .profile for the people ssh'ing in.

Question 2:
Try the following:

-----------------------------------[cut]-------------------- ------------------------

echo "Chowning files to jim:users..."

find -name \* | sed 's/^/"/' | sed 's/$/"/' | xargs chown jim:users $1

echo " done."

echo "Fixing directory permissions..."

find -type d | sed 's/^/"/' | sed 's/$/"/' | xargs chmod 775 $1

echo " done."

echo "Fixing file permissions..."

find -type f | sed 's/^/"/' | sed 's/$/"/' | xargs chmod 664 $1
echo " done."

-----------------------------------[cut]-------------------- ------------------------

I use this to fix permissions on a Samba box - you will have to modify or drop the
chown line to leave the ownership properties alone.

The sed lines enclose the file names in quotes - necessary if there are spaces or
metacharacters in the file names. The only thing that breaks the script is
filenames with doublequotes in them - the only way I can fix them is a manual
search and repair.
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Re: 2 questions: 1. ssh permissions to 777 and 2. recursively changeall directories/files to 777

am 10.12.2004 14:48:21 von mailing-lists

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004, Eve Atley wrote:

> First question...
> We have people SSHing into our Linux box from overseas (India to US, company
> access only). But files that are uploaded from these people become read-only
> to anyone else accessing them. We *require* that they be readable/writable
> by this side of the pond (US). How can I set this to occur?

What distribution of linux are u using ? How are the files
transferred, scp, ftp or ... ?

Enforcing userwide policy's is done thru the basic's of your os and a
multiuser os like linux has several basic systemtools available for
these tasks. These are normal sysadmin tasks.

I see some cronscripts are mentioned here, personally I think that this is
suppressing symptoms instead of good solid admin basic user-right

Every file created on your system is created with a basic set of rights or
better: `the file creation mode mask'.

The `file creation mode mask' is determined either by the sysadmin who
can set the `mask' for all users which can be alterd later on by the
program creating the file on the system !BUT! only if this program has the
available rights to do so.

The sys-admin has several options to enforce userwide policy's.

What you need to find out is:
1. What program is creating the files ?
2. What rights has this program ?
3. Finally what rights do the programs need accessing these newly created

After you have answerd those questions you can make a decision as a
sysadmin how to enforce readability on those files.

In general there are Two choices.
1. By either allowing the `file creating' programs to set theire own
masks. For this the programs need their own filecreation set of
2. Enforce system-wide rights by adding users to a specific `/etc/group'
of users or by setting a systemwide umask.
[there are more options for this last one, but for the clarity of this
email I will keep it simple, I am not writing a book here..]

For example programs creating their own mask:
in samba look at the `create mask = ' or `directory mask = '
In the bash shell the `umask' command.
For apache the `umask' directive.
Note that programs creating their own mask's, can also mean that users are
allowed changing that mask again as 't pleases them. That can not be
desirable.. bla.. ;-)

Setting all files per default to world-readable is !NOT! a good policy,
because the whole world can read them and not only the users of your
system or network.

For more info look at the manual pages of your specific programs or
system example.. man group, man newgrp, man login, man bash etc, etc..

Sorry for my suggestion: But... Buy a good basic linux sysadmin
book. Solid user-right management is the fundamental of a stable secure
linux system and allows you to exercise control over almost every aspect
of user privacy. hehehe..



> Otherwise, this
> method of transferring files will *not* work for us, and perhaps someone can
> point me to another solution.

> Second question...
> How can I recursively set all files/directories to 777?
> Chmod -R 777 *.* ... Didn't seem to hit everything.
> Thanks!
> -Eve
> -
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Friday, December 10 14:01:00


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Re: 2 questions: 1. ssh permissions to 777 and 2. recursively changeall directories/files to 777

am 10.12.2004 14:53:14 von mailing-lists

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Jim Nelson wrote:

> Eve Atley wrote:
> > First question...
> > We have people SSHing into our Linux box from overseas (India to US, company
> > access only). But files that are uploaded from these people become read-only
> > to anyone else accessing them. We *require* that they be readable/writable
> > by this side of the pond (US). How can I set this to occur? Otherwise, this
> > method of transferring files will *not* work for us, and perhaps someone can
> > point me to another solution.
> >
> > Second question...
> > How can I recursively set all files/directories to 777?
> > Chmod -R 777 *.* ... Didn't seem to hit everything.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > -Eve
> >
> Question 1:
> Try setting the umask in the .profile for the people ssh'ing in.

Which every user can change for themselves later on again.. Don't know if
that's desirable..

> Question 2:
> Try the following:
> -----------------------------------[cut]-------------------- ------------------------
> -----------------------------------[cut]-------------------- ------------------------
> I use this to fix permissions on a Samba box - you will have to modify or drop the
> chown line to leave the ownership properties alone.

Why not adding a special group to your /etc/group or setting a default
mask in your smb.conf ? That's what these programs, files are for..
That would eliminate the need of your script.. And is one cronjob
less.. One process less, memory less, cpu cycles less.. etc..


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Re: 2 questions: 1. ssh permissions to 777 and 2. recursively changeall directories/files to 777

am 10.12.2004 22:05:11 von Jim Nelson

>>Question 2:
>>Try the following:
>>-----------------------------------[cut]------------------ --------------------------
>>-----------------------------------[cut]------------------ --------------------------
>>I use this to fix permissions on a Samba box - you will have to modify or drop the
>>chown line to leave the ownership properties alone.
> Why not adding a special group to your /etc/group or setting a default
> mask in your smb.conf ? That's what these programs, files are for..
> That would eliminate the need of your script.. And is one cronjob
> less.. One process less, memory less, cpu cycles less.. etc..
> J.

Sorry - one bit of info I left out. The same filesystem is also exported via NFS.

I don't control all the *nix boxes that connect to it, and the Slackware / Solaris
/ Red Hat mix makes for some... err... interesting file permission issues. UID's
don't matter (it's a media repository), and I only run this after some mistake was
made on the *nix side (i. e. ripping a CD as root, changing out of group users and
copying files on the server, etc.). Samba tends to be pretty well-behaved. It's
the NFS stuff that causes problems.

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Re: 2 questions: 1. ssh permissions to 777 and 2. recursively changeall directories/files to 777

am 13.12.2004 22:54:24 von Stephen Samuel

Eve Atley wrote:
> First question...
> We have people SSHing into our Linux box from overseas (India to US, company
> access only). But files that are uploaded from these people become read-only
> to anyone else accessing them. We *require* that they be readable/writable
> by this side of the pond (US). How can I set this to occur? Otherwise, this
> method of transferring files will *not* work for us, and perhaps someone can
> point me to another solution.
> Second question...
> How can I recursively set all files/directories to 777?
> Chmod -R 777 *.* ... Didn't seem to hit everything.

The problem is that permissions are preserved when using scp.
(i.e. if the file is mode 700 on the source box, it will be
mode 700 on the destination, independant of umask settings).

Your *.* wildcard is a holdover from your DOS days. Not all UNIX
files have a dot in them, but the dot will have to be explicitly
matched since it was explicitly requested.

Chown -R 777 * will catch everything other than files/directories
with a leading dot.

chmod -R 777 . will get EVERYTHING (including resetting the
permissions of the current directory).

You can also use the find command to find files that aren't
readable by others, and only change the permissions on them
(I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader).

Stephen Samuel +1(604)876-0426
Powerful committed communication. Transformation touching
the jewel within each person and bringing it to light.
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