Floppy problem
am 12.04.2004 13:33:45 von David Tiefenbrunn
Hi All,
I now have my own complete Suse Linux Pro. install disks and manuals.
I am logged into root.
I want to make a bood floppy, but I keep getting errors:
selected image doesn't exist on instllation medium.
Then another error about valid floppy medium or valid root permissions.
If I try to format it with Kfloppy, I get:
Cannot Format /dev/fd0u1440
No Such Device or Address.
The Floppy Device icon on the desktop opens a window, and lists the files
(DOS / win98) that are on it.
For a while, the eject button wouldn't work.
Thak you,
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Re: Floppy problem
am 13.04.2004 08:03:30 von Richard Adams
On Monday 12 April 2004 13:33, David Tiefenbrunn wrote:
> Hi All,
> I now have my own complete Suse Linux Pro. install disks and manuals.
> I am logged into root.
That you should not do, ( i am presuming you mean logging into X as root).
> I want to make a bood floppy, but I keep getting errors:
> selected image doesn't exist on instllation medium.
Whats the command and whats the "eaxcht error message", all one can say here
You dont have the correct install disk in the drive and/or the path is
> Then another error about valid floppy medium or valid root permissions.
> If I try to format it with Kfloppy, I get:
> Cannot Format /dev/fd0u1440
Should that not be /dev/fd0
> No Such Device or Address.
> The Floppy Device icon on the desktop opens a window, and lists the files
> (DOS / win98) that are on it.
> For a while, the eject button wouldn't work.
SuSE uses devfs automount and several other (so called) new style plug and
pray effects, what you are experiancing is an effect of the new style.
Why not do it the SuSE way, login as a normal user goto control center click
on yast (you will then be asked to enter the root password) now try and do
things the SuSE way.
> Thak you,
> Dave
If the Linux community is a bunch of theives because they
try to imitate windows programs, then the Windows community
is built on organized crime.
Regards Richard
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Re: Floppy problem
am 18.04.2004 10:24:03 von Richard Adams
On Thursday 15 April 2004 01:29, David Tiefenbrunn wrote:
I've Cc'd this back to the list as i belive it contains helpfull information
for others. This way you may well receive more than one reply as well
therefor getting a wider range of help.
> At 08:03 AM 4/13/04 +0200, Richard wrote:
> >On Monday 12 April 2004 13:33, David Tiefenbrunn wrote:
> >> I am logged into root.
> >
> >That you should not do, ( i am presuming you mean logging into X as root).
> Not sure. When the machine boots, it asks for a user name and password
> with a gui / windows like logon box. I didn't know I shouldn't be in root.
> I'll take a look at the manuals to see how to make a new user.
The install process should have asked you to define "who" will use the
computer and would have added any user you defined.
So that means if you do not have any other user accounts then you quite
poissably skipped that step.
> >> I want to make a bood floppy, but I keep getting errors:
> >> selected image doesn't exist on instllation medium.
> >
> >Whats the command and whats the "eaxcht error message", all one can say
> > here is;
> >
> >You dont have the correct install disk in the drive and/or the path is
> >incorrect.
> It sort of sounds that way to me, but I don't see any place to "change the
> setting". The "selected image..." line above is the exact error message
> from the "make boot floppy" in Yast.
I have tryed it here, your error means that you "do not have the install
medium" in place, ie, cd/dvd install disk in the cdrom/dvd-drive.
> >> If I try to format it with Kfloppy, I get:
> >> Cannot Format /dev/fd0u1440
> >
> >Should that not be /dev/fd0
> It isn't a typo, that's what it said. Kfloppy is on the "start" menu, so I
> tried it. I have only been doing these things from the K graphic
> interface, not command line.
In the case of using kfloppy it should make no differance if it is /dev/fd0
or /dev/fd0u1440 as they are the same, /dev/fd0 = the actual device and u1440
is the floppy size.
> >> No Such Device or Address.
> >>
> >> The Floppy Device icon on the desktop opens a window, and lists the
> >> files (DOS / win98) that are on it.
Then it works does it not, however you must remember one thing, if the device
is mounted, (and it seems that way to me because of what you describe) then
nothing else will work.
> >>
> >> For a while, the eject button wouldn't work.
Huu!!! the eject button is purely a mechanical device, you push it and out
comes the floppy, again "you need to umount" the device first.
> >
> >SuSE uses devfs automount and several other (so called) new style plug and
> >pray effects, what you are experiancing is an effect of the new style.
> Oh no, they aren't trying to make it as "reliable" as windows, are they?:)
It workls well in suse, however if you click on the desktop icon and leave the
window open showing the files on /dev/fd0 then the device is still mounted
and you will not be able to do anything else with it.
> >Why not do it the SuSE way, login as a normal user goto control center
> > click on yast (you will then be asked to enter the root password) now try
> > and do things the SuSE way.
> I think this is what I was doing (except logged in as root) when I got
> those errors.
Ok, simply try one thing at a time.
> Thank you,
> Dave
> Dave Tief. N1WWY, Addie Tief. N1XQP
> Tiny, Cecil, Magic, Ruby, Sesame and Cinamon
> Visit our web page at http://users.abac.com/dandatief
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If the Linux community is a bunch of theives because they
try to imitate windows programs, then the Windows community
is built on organized crime.
Regards Richard
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