Mysql RPM install on FC4

Mysql RPM install on FC4

am 28.01.2006 21:59:51 von paulroskilly


I have just installed MySql 5.0.18 on a fresh installation on RH fedora
core 4 using RPMs but the service won't start.

Any ideas, can I see a log of why its failing anywhere?



Re: Mysql RPM install on FC4

am 29.01.2006 00:31:46 von Bill Karwin

wrote in message
> I have just installed MySql 5.0.18 on a fresh installation on RH fedora
> core 4 using RPMs but the service won't start.
> Any ideas, can I see a log of why its failing anywhere?

The error logs are probably under "/var/lib/mysql/hostname.err" where
"hostname" is the hostname of your Linux server.

One frequent problem with MySQL on Linux systems is that if you use SElinux
(security enhanced linux), the security enforcement blocks MySQL from
starting and listening on its port. You have to disable SElinux to use
MySQL. You can do this when you boot by giving the "selinux=0" option, or
you can do this from a root prompt after you boot by giving the command
"setenforce 0".

Bill K.