List of MySQL datatypes?

List of MySQL datatypes?

am 29.01.2006 14:44:36 von circuit_breaker


Is there's a built-in object inside of mySQL that hold its various
datatypes? As an example, I'd like to populate an array with the
following values: "BOOL", "INT","VARCHAR","MEDUIMINT","ENUM" and so on.


Re: List of MySQL datatypes?

am 29.01.2006 22:01:00 von Bill Karwin

"circuit_breaker" wrote in message .
> Hi,
> Is there's a built-in object inside of mySQL that hold its various
> datatypes? As an example, I'd like to populate an array with the
> following values: "BOOL", "INT","VARCHAR","MEDUIMINT","ENUM" and so on.

I don't know of a place that lists all of the supported datatypes.
If you use MySQL 5.0, you can use the information_schema database to get a
list of all datatypes currently in use in all databases on the system:

select distinct data_type from information_schema.columns order by 1

See ml for more
details about the information_schema database in MySQL 5.0.

Bill K.

Re: List of MySQL datatypes?

am 30.01.2006 15:28:49 von circuit_breaker


This is a *Very* good start for me. Using this workaround, I will just
have to create a "dummy" table using all of the MySql datatypes. You
saved the day ;-)


Bill Karwin wrote:
> "circuit_breaker" wrote in message
> .
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there's a built-in object inside of mySQL that hold its various
> > datatypes? As an example, I'd like to populate an array with the
> > following values: "BOOL", "INT","VARCHAR","MEDUIMINT","ENUM" and so on.
> I don't know of a place that lists all of the supported datatypes.
> If you use MySQL 5.0, you can use the information_schema database to get a
> list of all datatypes currently in use in all databases on the system:
> select distinct data_type from information_schema.columns order by 1
> See ml for more
> details about the information_schema database in MySQL 5.0.
> Regards,
> Bill K.