

am 27.04.2004 22:20:06 von Dave Pomeory

I purchased a 17" monitor with 1280X1024 resolution. That resolution
makes my text and pictures to small. I need to run 1024X768. However
1024X768 doesn't look very good. The detail is not sharp. Is ther
anyway to decrease the viewed resolution without reducing the video
cards resolution? I'm having a tough time explaining this so if you
don't understand and maybe I can answer some questions. Thanks for your

Dave Pomeroy K7DNP South Eastern Washington

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Re: monitor

am 27.04.2004 22:34:12 von Armen Kaleshian

Have you tried adjusting the refresh rate at the resolution that you would like
to use?

On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 01:20:06PM -0700, dave wrote:
: I purchased a 17" monitor with 1280X1024 resolution. That resolution
: makes my text and pictures to small. I need to run 1024X768. However
: 1024X768 doesn't look very good. The detail is not sharp. Is ther
: anyway to decrease the viewed resolution without reducing the video
: cards resolution? I'm having a tough time explaining this so if you
: don't understand and maybe I can answer some questions. Thanks for your
: time.
: Dave
: --
: Dave Pomeroy K7DNP South Eastern Washington
: -
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Re: monitor

am 27.04.2004 23:03:05 von Ray Olszewski

At 01:20 PM 4/27/2004 -0700, dave wrote:
>I purchased a 17" monitor with 1280X1024 resolution. That resolution
>makes my text and pictures to small. I need to run 1024X768. However
>1024X768 doesn't look very good. The detail is not sharp. Is ther anyway
>to decrease the viewed resolution without reducing the video cards
>resolution? I'm having a tough time explaining this so if you don't
>understand and maybe I can answer some questions. Thanks for your time.

Well ... it's probably not quite what you mean, but you can set up X so the
physical display is a window into a larger, virtual display ... so you can
see (as an example) a 640x480 area of a 1280X1024 display. Exactly how you
do it depends on how your distro installs X, but usually this option gets
offered as part of a configuration dialog.

You would probably do better, though, to figure out why 1024x768 is
unsatisfactory. With no information provided about the underlying hardware,
it's hard even to ask meaningful questions beyond the obvious ones -- what
video card, what physical display, what version of X, what X server, what
Linux distro?

The other suggestion someone made, to fiddlg with the refresh rate, might
be a good one ... but the problem description is so vague that it's hard to

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Re: monitor

am 27.04.2004 23:15:15 von sos22

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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> I purchased a 17" monitor with 1280X1024 resolution. That resolution=20
> makes my text and pictures to small. I need to run 1024X768. However=20
> 1024X768 doesn't look very good. The detail is not sharp.
Is this a TFT monitor, by any chance? Those will often have 1280x1024
physical picture elements, and so if you want to run the monitor at
anything other than its native resolution, it has to do a somewhat
convoluted image resizing process. On many older TFTs, this looked
rather odd, and even on newer ones it's usually visible.

(On a CRT, the monitor electronics can essentially ignore the physical
phosphor clusters, and pretend it has continuous emitter elements.
The aperture grill/shadow mask/etc. then makes sure electrons don't
leak to the wrong colour dots. In effect, the physical pattern of
shadows and phosphers handles the pixel blending automatically.)

> Is ther anyway to decrease the viewed resolution without reducing
> the video cards resolution?
Not to the best of my knowledge. Your best bet is probably to just
scale the text up a bit: most programs accept arguments of the form
``-fs '' to set the font size to points (so, for
instance, ``xterm -fs 20''), or have a suitable configuration dialog

You could also try xmag, which is usually included with the standard
XFree86 clients package.

Steven Smith.

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Re: monitor

am 27.04.2004 23:34:11 von Dave Pomeory

To put it simple, I want larger text and pictures keeping the lcd monitor
resolution at 1280X1024. I want a 1024X768 picture using a 1280X1024 screen
resolution. My monitor is a 17" Samsung lcd. Thanks for your time.


> At 01:20 PM 4/27/2004 -0700, dave wrote:
> >I purchased a 17" monitor with 1280X1024 resolution. That resolution
> >makes my text and pictures to small. I need to run 1024X768. However
> >1024X768 doesn't look very good. The detail is not sharp. Is ther anyway
> >to decrease the viewed resolution without reducing the video cards
> >resolution? I'm having a tough time explaining this so if you don't
> >understand and maybe I can answer some questions. Thanks for your time.
> Well ... it's probably not quite what you mean, but you can set up X so the
> physical display is a window into a larger, virtual display ... so you can
> see (as an example) a 640x480 area of a 1280X1024 display. Exactly how you
> do it depends on how your distro installs X, but usually this option gets
> offered as part of a configuration dialog.
> You would probably do better, though, to figure out why 1024x768 is
> unsatisfactory. With no information provided about the underlying hardware,
> it's hard even to ask meaningful questions beyond the obvious ones -- what
> video card, what physical display, what version of X, what X server, what
> Linux distro?
> The other suggestion someone made, to fiddlg with the refresh rate, might
> be a good one ... but the problem description is so vague that it's hard to
> know.

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Re: monitor

am 28.04.2004 07:51:08 von Richard Adams

On Tuesday 27 April 2004 23:34, wrote:
> To put it simple, I want larger text and pictures keeping the lcd mon=
> resolution at 1280X1024. =A0I want a 1024X768 picture using a 1280X10=
> screen resolution. =A0My monitor is a 17" Samsung lcd. Thanks for you=
r time.

You need to enlarge your fonts.

Cant say how because you dont say what you use.

In KDE use control center select Apierance and theams

=46or a terminal under X you can simply click "settings" and go from th=

Linux is "very" versitile".

If the Linux community is a bunch of theives because they
try to imitate windows programs, then the Windows community
is built on organized crime.

Regards Richard

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