Can"t Print

Can"t Print

am 30.04.2004 06:00:15 von heisspf


On a standalone PC with no modem and therefore no Internet connection and
RH 9.0 installed I am unable to get the printer to work.

On booting starting lpd I get:

--localhost Get_local_host: 'localhost' IP address not available!

The same message I get when trying to print a test page in printer-config.

I configured a simulated Internet connection, the problem remains.

I am an old RedHat hand so-to-speak and this is the first time I can't get the
printer to work. On all previous installations the PCs had modems attached.

Could this be the problem that there is none. Would be strange so.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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Re: Can"t Print

am 30.04.2004 07:10:57 von Ray Olszewski

At 12:00 PM 4/30/2004 +0800, Peter H. wrote:
>On a standalone PC with no modem and therefore no Internet connection and
>RH 9.0 installed I am unable to get the printer to work.
>On booting starting lpd I get:
>--localhost Get_local_host: 'localhost' IP address not available!
>The same message I get when trying to print a test page in printer-config.
>I configured a simulated Internet connection, the problem remains.
>I am an old RedHat hand so-to-speak and this is the first time I can't get
>printer to work. On all previous installations the PCs had modems attached.
>Could this be the problem that there is none. Would be strange so.
>Thanks for any suggestions.

Well ... your question makes me realize that I've never, in 10 years, set
up a Linux system that did not have a network connection (LAN or dialup).
But ... lpd is a daemon that listens on TCP port 515, so it does need a
TCP/IP stack running. Since you "configured a simulated Internet
connection", I infer you are running a kernel with the necessary TCP/IP

Do you have an "lo" interface, and is it configured as ?

Do you have an entry in /etc/hosts that resolves "localhost" to that
address ... that is, a line like -- localhost

Just fishing here, really. You probably skipped some required step, but if
it isn't one of the ones I mention, I cannot think what ti might be.

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Re: Can"t Print

am 01.05.2004 10:12:32 von heisspf said:
> On a standalone PC with no modem and therefore no Internet connection and RH
> 9.0 installed I am unable to get the printer to work.

Thanks Ray!

In /etc/hosts I had to remove @localdomain from localhost@localdomain and lpd
started and placing the print jobs nicely into the print queue, however,
nothing is being printed.

On booting I get: Starting lp: Warning printer: cannot open '/dev/lp0' 'No
such device or address'.

dmesg gives: lp: driver loaded but no device found.

lsmod shows: parport 2 (autoclean) [lp]

I have not an onboard parport but a singel parallel PCI card with chipset
NM9805CV. It worked perfectly when I tried it on my other PC with slackware

What have I to do that the device /dev/lp0 is found. It is in /dev/:

ls -l /dev/lp0
crw-rw---- 1 root lp 6, 0 Apr 28 1995 /dev/lp0


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Re: Can"t Print

am 01.05.2004 14:57:29 von Ray Olszewski

At 04:12 PM 5/1/2004 +0800, Peter wrote:

> said:
> > On a standalone PC with no modem and therefore no Internet connection
> and RH
> > 9.0 installed I am unable to get the printer to work.
>Thanks Ray!
>In /etc/hosts I had to remove @localdomain from localhost@localdomain and lpd
>started and placing the print jobs nicely into the print queue, however,
>nothing is being printed.
>On booting I get: Starting lp: Warning printer: cannot open '/dev/lp0' 'No
>such device or address'.
>dmesg gives: lp: driver loaded but no device found.
>lsmod shows: parport 2 (autoclean) [lp]
>I have not an onboard parport but a singel parallel PCI card with chipset
>NM9805CV. It worked perfectly when I tried it on my other PC with slackware
>What have I to do that the device /dev/lp0 is found. It is in /dev/:
>ls -l /dev/lp0
>crw-rw---- 1 root lp 6, 0 Apr 28 1995 /dev/lp0

Peter -- You will probably get a better answer later from someone who
actually uses a parallel printer (mine uses Ethernet; it's been years since
I set up a parallel printer on a Linux system) ... but I **think** you also
need the module parport_pc to use a parallel printer.

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Re: Can"t Print

am 02.05.2004 05:05:05 von Peter Garrett


Fo what it's worth - I use a parallel-port printer (LaserJet 6L) and

$ lsmod | grep parport
parport_pc 25608 1 (autoclean)
parport 23336 1 (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]

So I think Ray is right and you are missing a module...

On Sat, 2004-05-01 at 22:57, Ray Olszewski wrote:
> At 04:12 PM 5/1/2004 +0800, Peter wrote:
> > said:
> > > On a standalone PC with no modem and therefore no Internet connection
> > and RH
> > > 9.0 installed I am unable to get the printer to work.
> >
> >Thanks Ray!
> >
> >In /etc/hosts I had to remove @localdomain from localhost@localdomain and lpd
> >started and placing the print jobs nicely into the print queue, however,
> >nothing is being printed.
> >
> >On booting I get: Starting lp: Warning printer: cannot open '/dev/lp0' 'No
> >such device or address'.
> >
> >dmesg gives: lp: driver loaded but no device found.
> >
> >lsmod shows: parport 2 (autoclean) [lp]
> >
> >I have not an onboard parport but a singel parallel PCI card with chipset
> >NM9805CV. It worked perfectly when I tried it on my other PC with slackware
> >9.1.
> >
> >What have I to do that the device /dev/lp0 is found. It is in /dev/:
> >
> >ls -l /dev/lp0
> >crw-rw---- 1 root lp 6, 0 Apr 28 1995 /dev/lp0
> >
> >Regards
> >--
> >Peter
> Peter -- You will probably get a better answer later from someone who
> actually uses a parallel printer (mine uses Ethernet; it's been years since
> I set up a parallel printer on a Linux system) ... but I **think** you also
> need the module parport_pc to use a parallel printer.
> -
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Re: Can"t Print

am 09.05.2004 12:19:31 von heisspf

Thanks for any help! I solved the problem. I installed the kernel of
slackware9.1 2.4.22 and my good old Epson LX-800 came to live. This is not
the first time this kernel 2.4.20-20.9 did mess-up things. How much time
wasted by Richard and myself on account of an apparent defective kernel from
What did Ray say or similar, by his experience, with slackware most things
work better and smoother. Darn true!

Peter said:
> Hi,
> I have made a new installation of RH9.0 2.4.20-20.9 where I have a parallel
> printer card. The system is now discovering the card.

> Doing: "more /proc/pci" I am told that the printer card is using irq 5 and
> the io=0xd400. This is the first number to show. There are some more io.

> Only to this io does the printer react, meaning it makes that sound when the
> print head moves somewhat and only giving this io will lpq give an
> information about the print queue. It is a dot matrix printer.

> That printer react comes when I do: insmod parport_pc io=0x400 irq=5. After
> this lpq gives the usual information about the print queue. There is always
> an old queue around either as 'done' or now as an 'error too many tries'.

> Now if I want to print something 'lpr file' the keyboard totally freezes and
> I have to do a dirty reboot.

> Any help appreciated. -- Peter

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