Fatal error (SIGTERM) Garbage Collecting DBI handle
am 30.01.2006 20:12:47 von lsosborn------_=_NextPart_001_01C625D1.28791D04
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We have a web based Apache/Perl/DBI/mysql application that we are in the
last stages of converting to FastCGI, and have a recurring sporadic
problem that our Perl script frequently dies from a SIGTERM after
Autoloader fails to load DESTROY.al for DBI::Destroy(). We have been
tracking this problem down for weeks and could use any assistance you
can offer.
Thank you for all help and suggestions,
Loren Osborn
Lead Software Engineer
Dispensing Solutions Inc.
(714) 437-0330
3000 West Warner Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92704