restoring data into mysql

restoring data into mysql

am 01.02.2006 20:22:46 von shirazk

i did "select * into outfile 'data.sql' from CDRS" to backup my data.
what is the reverse to get the data back in? it looks liek the fields
are delimited by tabs in the file.


Re: restoring data into mysql

am 01.02.2006 20:49:02 von Bill Karwin

"Shiraz" wrote in message .
>i did "select * into outfile 'data.sql' from CDRS" to backup my data.
> what is the reverse to get the data back in? it looks liek the fields
> are delimited by tabs in the file.


Are you aware that mysqldump can back up individual tables? I know you said
in a past thread that your database is large (~250GB) but you can use
mysqldump in a manner similarly to your "into outfile" usage -- to back up
one table at a time.

You can also use a shell pipe to compress the output of mysqldump before it
writes it to disk. For example:
mysqldump ...options... | gzip > mybackup.sql.gz

Then uncompress it during restore:
gzcat mybackup.sql.gz | mysql ...options...

Bill K.