Code examples
am 04.02.2006 22:46:57 von UKuser
Hi Guys,
Does anybody know where I can get a very basic view/add/edit script for
a single table? I need to view all the rows at the same time and be
able to edit from that point.
I have 4 fields called id, lowerval, upperval, result. Table is called
fig_lookup. I am very new indeed to mysql, so if you know of any basic
code which would suffice, or could post some that would be brill.
Re: Code examples
am 04.02.2006 23:03:55 von Aggro
UKuser wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Does anybody know where I can get a very basic view/add/edit script for
> a single table? I need to view all the rows at the same time and be
> able to edit from that point.
> I have 4 fields called id, lowerval, upperval, result. Table is called
> fig_lookup. I am very new indeed to mysql, so if you know of any basic
> code which would suffice, or could post some that would be brill.
Do you mean sql queries? The term script confuses me as you didn't
mention any programming language for the script. So here are the plain
sql queries. I hope you know how to use them in your script:
insert into fig_lookup(id,loweval,upperval,result) values('1','1','1','1');
insert into fig_lookup(id,loweval,upperval,result) values('2','2','2','2');
update fig_lookup set lowerval='10',upperval='20' where id='2';
select * from fig_lookup;
Re: Code examples
am 04.02.2006 23:07:34 von Bill Karwin
"UKuser" wrote in message .
> Does anybody know where I can get a very basic view/add/edit script for
> a single table? I need to view all the rows at the same time and be
> able to edit from that point.
MySQL Query Browser can do this.
See r-using-editingtabsheet.html
Download MQB here:
Bill K.
Re: Code examples
am 04.02.2006 23:36:54 von UKuser
Thanks for the info.
Apologies for referring to it as a script, I did mean query.
I know the fields I wish to query, I just want to create a
simple/customisable PHP table (i.e)
[val1][val1b] [*] astrix to edit (or type in field)
[val2][val2b] [ ]
[val3][val3b] [ ]
In short, so it displays all the info, but in editable fields (or
editable if you say ticked an approrpiate link box). I have found a
highly detailed example, but wondered if there was anything simpler.