Re: Is version 5.0.18 stable
am 07.02.2006 19:59:22 von Bill Karwin
"gumpie" wrote in message .
> I was just wondering if mysql version 5.0.18 is a good stable release.
> We are currently using verion 4.1 and we are happy but as a developer i
> am looking to upgrade our systems.
> Please can anyone give me feedback on this.
Here's a datapoint:
Checking, I see there are a total of 237 active bugs
(non-feature requests) against MySQL 4.1. Of these, 92 are "serious" or
"critical". 26 are "critical".
There are 553 active bugs against MySQL 5.0. Of these, 220 are "serious" or
"critical". 54 are "critical".
So it appears that by at least one measure, 5.0 is less stable than 4.1, at
least for now (on the other hand, it could also be that 5.0 is currently
receiving more testing attention from the MySQL community).
If you are happy with MySQL 4.1 and do not need any of the features of 5.0
yet, I would recommend staying at 4.1. Upgrade to the latest release of 4.1
(which is 4.1.16 currently), but do not upgrade to 5.0 until you need its
additional features.
Bill K.