Linux on dual processor query

Linux on dual processor query

am 09.02.2006 02:40:46 von James Miller

I've recently run across an older server for cheap and am thinking about
acquiring it for cruel experimentation purposes (and if it works, maybe
even doing something useful with it). It's a dual processor machine--HP, I
think. P2 era. I'm wondering what's involved in setting up and running
Linux on one of these beasties. First, I assume one must run a special
kernel to take advantage of both processors, right? If so, SMP kernel?
Second, does the kernel handle everything involved with distributing to
the processors, or must one use specially-compiled programs on such a
system as well? Feedback on this will be appreciated: still not sure if I
want to tackle such a project.

Thanks, James
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Re: Linux on dual processor query

am 09.02.2006 02:43:57 von hackmiester

I believe I have a machine like yours - two chips, HP, PII era... I
installed fedora 4 on it and yes my kernel does have 'smp' in it. It's
pretty fast for a PII 400mHz so I suppose it is distributing to both
procs. However, some programs do have to be compiled like that, like my
eggdrop and IRCd.

Walk a mile in my shoes and you will be a mile away in a new pair of shoes.

James Miller wrote:

> I've recently run across an older server for cheap and am thinking
> about acquiring it for cruel experimentation purposes (and if it
> works, maybe even doing something useful with it). It's a dual
> processor machine--HP, I think. P2 era. I'm wondering what's involved
> in setting up and running Linux on one of these beasties. First, I
> assume one must run a special kernel to take advantage of both
> processors, right? If so, SMP kernel? Second, does the kernel handle
> everything involved with distributing to the processors, or must one
> use specially-compiled programs on such a system as well? Feedback on
> this will be appreciated: still not sure if I want to tackle such a
> project.
> Thanks, James
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Re: Linux on dual processor query

am 09.02.2006 03:58:39 von Dominique Sidiropoulos

Generally the (smp-)kernel will do the right thing (TM) for you. In very
very rare occasions you'll have to tinker a program to take advantage of
the two processors. Installing and running a linux distro of recent
vintage like Fedora or Novell/SuSE should be fearly easy. Fedora is a
good option there. For any additional (Fedora) packages and programs you
may have a look at and related sites (I
assume you've got a broandband connection there cause the updates are
quite `demanding' in bandwidth). Hope this helps mate and good luck.


P.S.: For extra performance boost you might want to add some extra RAM
modules to the system. It usually helps a lot.

James Miller wrote:

> I've recently run across an older server for cheap and am thinking
> about acquiring it for cruel experimentation purposes (and if it
> works, maybe even doing something useful with it). It's a dual
> processor machine--HP, I think. P2 era. I'm wondering what's involved
> in setting up and running Linux on one of these beasties. First, I
> assume one must run a special kernel to take advantage of both
> processors, right? If so, SMP kernel? Second, does the kernel handle
> everything involved with distributing to the processors, or must one
> use specially-compiled programs on such a system as well? Feedback on
> this will be appreciated: still not sure if I want to tackle such a
> project.
> Thanks, James
> -
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