hang on shutdown

hang on shutdown

am 30.06.2004 09:38:32 von Andrew Langdon-Davies

Good day,

Mandrake 10, 2.6.3; PIV

When shutting down or rebooting, the machine hangs after the following

Stopping hotplug: uhci_hcd 0000:00:1f2: remove, state 1
usb usb1: USB disconnect, address 1
uhci_hcd 0000:00:1f2: USB bus 1 deregistered

The next time I boot I have to go through the rigmarole of a forced file
check followed by an automatic reboot (which luckily or by design works OK).

Any ideas?

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Re: hang on shutdown

am 01.07.2004 06:22:06 von Mike

Andrew does your motherboard have a via chipset? If so take a look
at the Mandrake errata page.


Andrew Langdon-Davies wrote:
> Good day,
> Mandrake 10, 2.6.3; PIV
> When shutting down or rebooting, the machine hangs after the following
> message:
> Stopping hotplug: uhci_hcd 0000:00:1f2: remove, state 1
> usb usb1: USB disconnect, address 1
> uhci_hcd 0000:00:1f2: USB bus 1 deregistered
> The next time I boot I have to go through the rigmarole of a
forced file
> check followed by an automatic reboot (which luckily or by design
> OK).
> Any ideas?
> Andrew
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