CMI-8330 On Board Sound?

CMI-8330 On Board Sound?

am 14.07.2004 21:19:58 von Hal MacArgle

Greetings: Am in trouble with an on board CMI-8330 SoundPro feature
on a 430TX MB - (ISA/PCI). Slack9.1, bare.i install, kernel 2.4.22..

No module by that designation so hit the Web coming up with AD1848;
modprobe ad1848 installs but doesn't work and the mixer rexima
doesn't like... Apparently AD1848 OK for an older SoundPro chip?

Tried modprobe sb, and all seemed well.. Workbone started the drive
and the rexima mixer report 75% master and 75% CD - and the CD did
spin.. No sound from the sound card line out jack but a hdset to the
drive OK, as well as the MB end of the audio cable.. Normal analog
sound going into the header input jack..

cat /proc/ioports - /interrupts - dma, all reported as expected:
0x220, irq10, dma 1,5. "soundblaster".. (The usually normal IRQ5,
grabbed by PCI during boot.) I wonder??

lsmod reported sb, sb-lib, uart401, sound, soundcore and isa-pnp used
by [sb].. All seemingly normal from my limited experience..

Suspected the "SoundPro HT1869V+ chip," so tried play filename.wav
and it was perfect with the amplified speakers connected to
"line out." Could the chip be broke in one area only?? Maybe the AD

Slack 9.1 installs alsamixer and amixer that has been a problem in
the past because default is zero gain.. Rexima shows 75% unless the
card is muted and rexima doesn't show that?? For some reason
alsamixer or amixer doesn't run on this installation. Could that be a
clue?? The actual chip is marked as above with "pci" on the next
row.. Thats odd because /var/adm/messages reports that isapnp found
the card.. Strange?? dmesg or /var/adm/syslog doesn't mention it at
all and messages only after invoking modprobe sb...

Any suggestions most welcome and TIA..

Hal - in Terra Alta, WV - Slackware GNU/Linux 9.1 (2.4.22)
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Re: CMI-8330 On Board Sound?

am 15.07.2004 17:28:44 von Richard Adams

On Wednesday 14 July 2004 21:19, Hal MacArgle wrote:
> Greetings: Am in trouble with an on board CMI-8330 SoundPro feature
> on a 430TX MB - (ISA/PCI). Slack9.1, bare.i install, kernel 2.4.22..
> No module by that designation so hit the Web coming up with AD1848;
> modprobe ad1848 installs but doesn't work and the mixer rexima
> doesn't like... Apparently AD1848 OK for an older SoundPro chip?

Huum, i wonder, did you read /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/CMI8330 ?

It says right at the start.
( Be sure to read Documentation/sound/SoundPro too )

This adapter is now directly supported by the sb driver.

The only thing you have to do is to compile the kernel sound
support as a module and to enable kernel ISAPnP support,
as shown below.

and optionally:
for MPU401 support.

(I suggest you to use "make menuconfig" or "make xconfig"
for a more comfortable configuration editing)
Then you can do
modprobe sb
and everything will be (hopefully) configured.
You should get something similar in syslog:

sb: CMI8330 detected.
sb: CMI8330 sb base located at 0x220
sb: CMI8330 mpu base located at 0x330
sb: CMI8330 mail reports to Alessandro Zummo
sb: ISAPnP reports CMI 8330 SoundPRO at i/o 0x220, irq 7, dma 1,5

> Tried modprobe sb, and all seemed well.. Workbone started the drive
> and the rexima mixer report 75% master and 75% CD - and the CD did
> spin.. No sound from the sound card line out jack but a hdset to the
> drive OK, as well as the MB end of the audio cable.. Normal analog
> sound going into the header input jack..
> cat /proc/ioports - /interrupts - dma, all reported as expected:
> 0x220, irq10, dma 1,5. "soundblaster".. (The usually normal IRQ5,
> grabbed by PCI during boot.) I wonder??

You will need to resurve IRQ 10 in your bios just incase some other peice of
hardware grabs it before the sound module is loaded.
(Or i would imagen that would be nessacary.

> lsmod reported sb, sb-lib, uart401, sound, soundcore and isa-pnp used
> by [sb].. All seemingly normal from my limited experience..
> Suspected the "SoundPro HT1869V+ chip," so tried play filename.wav
> and it was perfect with the amplified speakers connected to
> "line out." Could the chip be broke in one area only?? Maybe the AD
> "section?"

Half broken,!, That i doubt.

> Slack 9.1 installs alsamixer and amixer that has been a problem in
> the past because default is zero gain.. Rexima shows 75% unless the
> card is muted and rexima doesn't show that?? For some reason
> alsamixer or amixer doesn't run on this installation. Could that be a
> clue?? The actual chip is marked as above with "pci" on the next
> row.. Thats odd because /var/adm/messages reports that isapnp found
> the card.. Strange?? dmesg or /var/adm/syslog doesn't mention it at
> all and messages only after invoking modprobe sb...

kmix if you run X will help i think.

> Any suggestions most welcome and TIA..
> Hal - in Terra Alta, WV - Slackware GNU/Linux 9.1 (2.4.22)

If the Linux community is a bunch of thieves because they
try to imitate windows programs, then the Windows community
is built on organized crime.

Regards Richard

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Re: CMI-8330 On Board Sound?

am 15.07.2004 17:31:27 von Ray Olszewski

Hal -- I waited to reply in the hope that someone would have specific
advice for you. Since nothing along that line happened (the response about
using a different driver is, I believe, incorrect), let me see if these few
thoughts are of any help.

First, it appears from what you wrote -- specifically, that the system will
play a WAV file -- that the card and its Linux module are working together.
You've got the right module for 2.4.x kernels. Look in the kernel
documentation ... probably /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/CMI8330 ...
to confirm this.

Second, if I read you right, the CD drive is putting out the needed signal
on the direct analog connection to the mobo. I think you said that you
actually (somehow) connected headphones to the mobo end of that cable and
heard a signal (if I've misunderstood this part, then it is a loose end
that you should be considering).

Third, what exactly do you mean by "and the CD did spin" when you discuss
use of workbone? The CD *always* "spins" -- that's in the drive's firmware.
So did you mean something more specific? Can you access the CD using one of
the non-sound tools related to workbone (for example, cdown)? Is it
possible that your system is not using the mount point (probably
/dev/cdrom, as a symlink) that workbone expects? (Maybe you're using devfs,
for example?) Were your tests of the analog cable to the mobo done using
workbone to play the CD?

Fourth, just a detail -- amixer and alsamixer work with the ALSA sound
modules. You are using the OSS sound modules (or at least it seems that way
from what you wrote). rexima is the usual mixer to use with these modules.
I suppose you could look into using ALSA with this sound subsystem ... I've
had sound systems that needed ALSA to work properly (in my cases, to record
from line-in).

Assuming the "right" answers to these questions, my own inclination at this
point would be to suspect a hardware problem. Maybe a chipset problem.
Maybe a mobo problem (a bad header, or possibly a mislabeled one ... are
you certain that you are connecting the analog cable in the right place?).
Maybe a BIOS problem (OK, that's not really hardware, but you get my drift).

Sorry I can't offer more specific help.

At 03:19 PM 7/14/2004 -0400, Hal MacArgle wrote:
>Greetings: Am in trouble with an on board CMI-8330 SoundPro feature
>on a 430TX MB - (ISA/PCI). Slack9.1, bare.i install, kernel 2.4.22..
>No module by that designation so hit the Web coming up with AD1848;
>modprobe ad1848 installs but doesn't work and the mixer rexima
>doesn't like... Apparently AD1848 OK for an older SoundPro chip?
>Tried modprobe sb, and all seemed well.. Workbone started the drive
>and the rexima mixer report 75% master and 75% CD - and the CD did
>spin.. No sound from the sound card line out jack but a hdset to the
>drive OK, as well as the MB end of the audio cable.. Normal analog
>sound going into the header input jack..
>cat /proc/ioports - /interrupts - dma, all reported as expected:
>0x220, irq10, dma 1,5. "soundblaster".. (The usually normal IRQ5,
>grabbed by PCI during boot.) I wonder??
>lsmod reported sb, sb-lib, uart401, sound, soundcore and isa-pnp used
>by [sb].. All seemingly normal from my limited experience..
>Suspected the "SoundPro HT1869V+ chip," so tried play filename.wav
>and it was perfect with the amplified speakers connected to
>"line out." Could the chip be broke in one area only?? Maybe the AD
>Slack 9.1 installs alsamixer and amixer that has been a problem in
>the past because default is zero gain.. Rexima shows 75% unless the
>card is muted and rexima doesn't show that?? For some reason
>alsamixer or amixer doesn't run on this installation. Could that be a
>clue?? The actual chip is marked as above with "pci" on the next
>row.. Thats odd because /var/adm/messages reports that isapnp found
>the card.. Strange?? dmesg or /var/adm/syslog doesn't mention it at
>all and messages only after invoking modprobe sb...

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Re: CMI-8330 On Board Sound?

am 15.07.2004 20:46:01 von Hal MacArgle

Thanks Richard for your input /and/ Ray and Andrew.. Annotations

On 07-15, pa3gcu wrote:
> On Wednesday 14 July 2004 21:19, Hal MacArgle wrote:
> > Greetings: Am in trouble with an on board CMI-8330 SoundPro feature
> > on a 430TX MB - (ISA/PCI). Slack9.1, bare.i install, kernel 2.4.22..
> >
> > No module by that designation so hit the Web coming up with AD1848;
> > modprobe ad1848 installs but doesn't work and the mixer rexima
> > doesn't like... Apparently AD1848 OK for an older SoundPro chip?
> Huum, i wonder, did you read /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/CMI8330 ?
> It says right at the start.
> ( Be sure to read Documentation/sound/SoundPro too )

Yes I printed and read both several times which confused me
more because I think the author was talking about a different
'vintage' of CMI-8330.. I was, of course, hoping to not have to
re-compile the kernel but I will try that if all else fails.. I felt,
since there are so many MB's out there with that on board scheme,
there must be a set of modules somewhere... Maybe not... I still
can't understand why isapnp finds the chip yet the chip is marked

> This adapter is now directly supported by the sb driver.

Yes it is and all looks well except when trying to play a
simple audio CD...

> The only thing you have to do is to compile the kernel sound
> support as a module and to enable kernel ISAPnP support,
> as shown below.

Slack9.1 defaults on installation with isapnp tools..

> sb: CMI8330 detected.
> sb: CMI8330 sb base located at 0x220
> sb: CMI8330 mpu base located at 0x330
> sb: CMI8330 mail reports to Alessandro Zummo
> sb: ISAPnP reports CMI 8330 SoundPRO at i/o 0x220, irq 7, dma 1,5

This I get with my modprobe sb entry, except for the irq..

> > cat /proc/ioports - /interrupts - dma, all reported as expected:
> > 0x220, irq10, dma 1,5. "soundblaster".. (The usually normal IRQ5,
> > grabbed by PCI during boot.) I wonder??
> You will need to resurve IRQ 10 in your bios just incase some other peice of
> hardware grabs it before the sound module is loaded.
> (Or i would imagen that would be nessacary.

I think, but not sure, I tried setting irq 10 to legacy but I
will double check.. Could it be so simple? I do know there are no
other devices using irq 10.. I'm confused with this too because where
does irq 10 come from except, what, isapnp?? I don't see irq 10
anywhere until I run modprobe sb... I do know the BIOS grabs irq 5
right off the bat way before Linux is run, for the NIC _and_ a pci
serial card that's needed because the onboard serial ports are dead..
Maybe I should shuffle some of this stuff around and get the sound
working FIRST?? The NIC is PCI, and IRQ 5 is shared by both serial
ports plus the NIC, and they all coexist and work this way... That
floored me..

> > Suspected the "SoundPro HT1869V+ chip," so tried play filename.wav
> > and it was perfect with the amplified speakers connected to
> > "line out." Could the chip be broke in one area only?? Maybe the AD
> > "section?"
> Half broken,!, That i doubt.

Me too, but I've been around long enough to believe anything
can happen with these bloody things..

> kmix if you run X will help i think.

The subject machine sans X because don't need and fairly
small HD.. I thought that maybe I should be installing Slack 9.0 or,
maybe, 7.1 instead due to it's age..


Hal - in Terra Alta, WV - Slackware GNU/Linux 9.0 (2.4.20-1)
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Re: CMI-8330 On Board Sound?

am 15.07.2004 21:28:05 von Hal MacArgle

Thanks Ray and have already answered Richard and Andrew... Will

On 07-15, Ray Olszewski wrote:
> Hal -- I waited to reply in the hope that someone would have specific
> advice for you. Since nothing along that line happened (the response about
> using a different driver is, I believe, incorrect), let me see if these few
> thoughts are of any help.
> First, it appears from what you wrote -- specifically, that the system will
> play a WAV file -- that the card and its Linux module are working together.
> You've got the right module for 2.4.x kernels. Look in the kernel
> documentation ... probably /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/CMI8330 ...
> to confirm this.

The Doco says to use AD1848.o /or/ recompile the kernel with
sound blaster support.. ad1848 installs, without "errors" but
/proc/interrupts /ioports /dma doesn't show a thing, and rexima balks
like nothing has happened to the kernel... Clearly, it seems, wrong..
I can recompile the kernel, of course, but I suspect it wont help at
this point.. But, I've sure been wrong before....

> Second, if I read you right, the CD drive is putting out the needed signal
> on the direct analog connection to the mobo. I think you said that you
> actually (somehow) connected headphones to the mobo end of that cable and
> heard a signal (if I've misunderstood this part, then it is a loose end
> that you should be considering).

With the CD running, ala workbone, plugging either a hdphone
or amplified speakers into the hdphone jack - perfect.. At the usual
MB end of the standard audio cord from the CD device - I have "test"
"pins" plugged into the header plug with clip leads to the same
amplified speakers - perfect... Moving the mini stereo plug to the
line out on the sound jack - dead silence.. Thought - header plug
from MB to line out jack cable bad?? No, because playing a .wav track
perfect.. This MB has both rectangular 4 pin, in line, audio pins as
well as the different "sound blaster" type.. Either type cable tried
same problem... The rectangular types are L and R on the outside pins
and both centre pins ground.. Most cables today only use 3 conductors
as the ground is common... Measured the cable with a VOM but tried a
different cable anyway - same...

> Third, what exactly do you mean by "and the CD did spin" when you discuss
> use of workbone? The CD *always* "spins" -- that's in the drive's firmware.
> So did you mean something more specific? Can you access the CD using one of
> the non-sound tools related to workbone (for example, cdown)? Is it
> possible that your system is not using the mount point (probably
> /dev/cdrom, as a symlink) that workbone expects? (Maybe you're using devfs,
> for example?) Were your tests of the analog cable to the mobo done using
> workbone to play the CD?

Yes I use workbone exclusively to play the CD and it reports
it so.. "Spin" poor choice of words - meant the disk was really
running and making noise, physically, as well as workbones report
"playing - track# and time." Of course the hdphones into the hdphone
jack confirmed this too... Beautiful music.. BTW, used the
same CDRom to boot and install Slack9.1 as well as run Slack9.1's 2nd
CD, which has isolinux on it... Everything completely "normal" except
for playing an audio CD?? Ugh.. /dev/cdrom symlinked to /dev/hdc -
secondary master... Have never used "cdown."

> Fourth, just a detail -- amixer and alsamixer work with the ALSA sound
> modules. You are using the OSS sound modules (or at least it seems that way
> from what you wrote). rexima is the usual mixer to use with these modules.
> I suppose you could look into using ALSA with this sound subsystem ... I've
> had sound systems that needed ALSA to work properly (in my cases, to record
> from line-in).

I've read some about that and Alsa a new game to me so far,
except I do have it working on another machine, also running
Slack9.1.. In that case was bothered, at first, with no sound when I
discovered that Alsamixer defaults to zero gain and muted.. Simple
fix, once found... Why Slack9.1 should be different with the subject
MB and not with the other MB/machine, escapes me so far... I wasn't
out to re-invent the wheel - just get the machine to play an audio CD
- nothing fancy... Hmmmmmmm. Could it be that I need more
modules than modprobe sb installs?? This I have to check into... I'm
a little confused by ALSA and OSS - not the definitions and authors,
etc - but digging deeper... Maybe "helper" modules here or there??
None of my books are new enough to explain the above... I can't seem
to find any details of how a sound card actually works and since this
is on board - hard to trace.. Does the analog input header to the
chip normally connect directly to the line out jack? I doubt it. So
that means the chip does an AD thence, DA conversion within itself?
I guess anything could turn this off/on... The CDRom drive I have
doesn't have a digital out jack, just analog, but I note the MB has
digital input header pins, as well as the double analog pins.. How do
I manage to get into such predicaments?? I hate to think it necessary
to get the engineering specs for the chip in order to, merely, play a

> Assuming the "right" answers to these questions, my own inclination at this
> point would be to suspect a hardware problem. Maybe a chipset problem.
> Maybe a mobo problem (a bad header, or possibly a mislabeled one ... are
> you certain that you are connecting the analog cable in the right place?).
> Maybe a BIOS problem (OK, that's not really hardware, but you get my drift).

Richard seems to think, as I, that the chip set should be OK
and not partially broken.. At this point I am beginning to suspect
there is something slightly different between the chip on my MB and
the others before or after it.. The MB header is clearly marked, both
normal and sb type as well as the printed manual.. I looked carefully
to see if there may be a jumper I didn't know about that muted sound,
whatever.. Nothing so far and every jumper on the board accounted for
both silk screened and in the manual.. Could be Intel changed
something along the line but I sure don't want to fetch all the
changes they've made to this board thru the years.. Ugh... I couldn't
possibly live that long... And re the BIOS it has two selections:
Disable or enable; set on enable of course...

> Sorry I can't offer more specific help.

Your help is always very detailed and that's appreciated very
much.. Maybe something will come up - there's always disabling on
board and fitting another sound card with better details.. Not
mission critical, just part of the learning process - mostly..

> At 03:19 PM 7/14/2004 -0400, Hal MacArgle wrote:
> >Greetings: Am in trouble with an on board CMI-8330 SoundPro feature
> >on a 430TX MB - (ISA/PCI). Slack9.1, bare.i install, kernel 2.4.22..
> >
> >No module by that designation so hit the Web coming up with AD1848;
> >modprobe ad1848 installs but doesn't work and the mixer rexima
> >doesn't like... Apparently AD1848 OK for an older SoundPro chip?
> >
> >Tried modprobe sb, and all seemed well.. Workbone started the drive
> >and the rexima mixer report 75% master and 75% CD - and the CD did
> >spin.. No sound from the sound card line out jack but a hdset to the
> >drive OK, as well as the MB end of the audio cable.. Normal analog
> >sound going into the header input jack..
> >
> >cat /proc/ioports - /interrupts - dma, all reported as expected:
> >0x220, irq10, dma 1,5. "soundblaster".. (The usually normal IRQ5,
> >grabbed by PCI during boot.) I wonder??
> >
> >lsmod reported sb, sb-lib, uart401, sound, soundcore and isa-pnp used
> >by [sb].. All seemingly normal from my limited experience..
> >
> >Suspected the "SoundPro HT1869V+ chip," so tried play filename.wav
> >and it was perfect with the amplified speakers connected to
> >"line out." Could the chip be broke in one area only?? Maybe the AD
> >"section?"
> >
> >Slack 9.1 installs alsamixer and amixer that has been a problem in
> >the past because default is zero gain.. Rexima shows 75% unless the
> >card is muted and rexima doesn't show that?? For some reason
> >alsamixer or amixer doesn't run on this installation. Could that be a
> >clue?? The actual chip is marked as above with "pci" on the next
> >row.. Thats odd because /var/adm/messages reports that isapnp found
> >the card.. Strange?? dmesg or /var/adm/syslog doesn't mention it at
> >all and messages only after invoking modprobe sb...
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Re: CMI-8330 On Board Sound?

am 19.07.2004 21:52:24 von Hal MacArgle

Getting excellent input from Ray and Richard, following, I've been
prodded enough to get the machine playing CD's, after some more
research.. Someone said I should explain a little for the archive in
case anyone is interested.. The problem was: software!!

The underlying problem seemed to be that this moboard fell between
the cracks during a transitional period between Microsoft Sound
System, MSS, now obsolete, and the defacto standard; SoundBlaster,
SB.. The chip mfgrs must have been pulling their hair more than I
during this period.. The bottom line seems to be that an existing
driver, ad1948, configures the chip as 8 bit sound, with just one
dma.. Using a 16 bit sb driver added or alone is accepted but turns
off the CD play sound.. There may be a proper driver out there but I
can't find it and wont worry about it..

If more features are desired a sound card would, probably be the best
answer... I understand the 430TX MB a low end board anyway..

Thanks for all the help - the learning curve continues... And,
Richard, had I read the SoundPro doco first and ignored the CMI8330
one - this would have gone a lot faster...

> On 07-15, pa3gcu wrote:
> > On Wednesday 14 July 2004 21:19, Hal MacArgle wrote:
> > > Greetings: Am in trouble with an on board CMI-8330 SoundPro feature
> > > on a 430TX MB - (ISA/PCI). Slack9.1, bare.i install, kernel 2.4.22..
> > >
> > > No module by that designation so hit the Web coming up with AD1848;
> > > modprobe ad1848 installs but doesn't work and the mixer rexima
> > > doesn't like... Apparently AD1848 OK for an older SoundPro chip?
> >
> > Huum, i wonder, did you read /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/CMI8330 ?
> >
> > It says right at the start.
> > ( Be sure to read Documentation/sound/SoundPro too )
> Yes I printed and read both several times which confused me
> more because I think the author was talking about a different
> 'vintage' of CMI-8330.. I was, of course, hoping to not have to
> re-compile the kernel but I will try that if all else fails.. I felt,
> since there are so many MB's out there with that on board scheme,
> there must be a set of modules somewhere... Maybe not... I still
> can't understand why isapnp finds the chip yet the chip is marked
> "pci."
> > This adapter is now directly supported by the sb driver.
> Yes it is and all looks well except when trying to play a
> simple audio CD...
> >
> > The only thing you have to do is to compile the kernel sound
> > support as a module and to enable kernel ISAPnP support,
> > as shown below.
> Slack9.1 defaults on installation with isapnp tools..
> > sb: CMI8330 detected.
> > sb: CMI8330 sb base located at 0x220
> > sb: CMI8330 mpu base located at 0x330
> > sb: CMI8330 mail reports to Alessandro Zummo
> > sb: ISAPnP reports CMI 8330 SoundPRO at i/o 0x220, irq 7, dma 1,5
> This I get with my modprobe sb entry, except for the irq..
> > > cat /proc/ioports - /interrupts - dma, all reported as expected:
> > > 0x220, irq10, dma 1,5. "soundblaster".. (The usually normal IRQ5,
> > > grabbed by PCI during boot.) I wonder??
> >
> > You will need to resurve IRQ 10 in your bios just incase some other peice of
> > hardware grabs it before the sound module is loaded.
> > (Or i would imagen that would be nessacary.
> I think, but not sure, I tried setting irq 10 to legacy but I
> will double check.. Could it be so simple? I do know there are no
> other devices using irq 10.. I'm confused with this too because where
> does irq 10 come from except, what, isapnp?? I don't see irq 10
> anywhere until I run modprobe sb... I do know the BIOS grabs irq 5
> right off the bat way before Linux is run, for the NIC _and_ a pci
> serial card that's needed because the onboard serial ports are dead..
> Maybe I should shuffle some of this stuff around and get the sound
> working FIRST?? The NIC is PCI, and IRQ 5 is shared by both serial
> ports plus the NIC, and they all coexist and work this way... That
> floored me..
> > > Suspected the "SoundPro HT1869V+ chip," so tried play filename.wav
> > > and it was perfect with the amplified speakers connected to
> > > "line out." Could the chip be broke in one area only?? Maybe the AD
> > > "section?"
> >
> > Half broken,!, That i doubt.
> Me too, but I've been around long enough to believe anything
> can happen with these bloody things..
> > kmix if you run X will help i think.
> The subject machine sans X because don't need and fairly
> small HD.. I thought that maybe I should be installing Slack 9.0 or,
> maybe, 7.1 instead due to it's age..
> Hal - in Terra Alta, WV - Slackware GNU/Linux 9.0 (2.4.20-1)
> .
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