AbiWord, Text and HTML??

AbiWord, Text and HTML??

am 12.02.2006 19:15:36 von Hal MacArgle

Greetings: A problem importing a previously composed ascii text file
with jstar (joe) or, probably, any standard Linux text editor:

I had a single need to convert this to html and found that AbiWord
was quite easy:

$ abiword --to=html filename.txt > filename.html.

The trouble is; viewing filename.html with lynx or links it's double
spaced.. I thought 'no problem,' we have the standard end of line
thingy so I'll just edit filename.html substituting a space for the

entries... Oh yeah--grin--lynx and links still view it double
spaced.. I tried several other 'fixes' to no avail.. Some crash and

Retyping the entire ascii text file into AbiWord and saving as a html
file is fine, but I much prefer composing all files with a CLI
editor.. Call me old fashioned?? Whatever.. I used WordStar for too
many years I guess... (Failing eyes doesn't help)

Any suggestions? TIA.


Hal - in Terra Alta, WV/US - Slackware GNU/Linux 10.1 (2.4.29)
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Re: AbiWord, Text and HTML??

am 12.02.2006 23:12:21 von Ray Olszewski

Hal MacArgle wrote:
> Greetings: A problem importing a previously composed ascii text file
> with jstar (joe) or, probably, any standard Linux text editor:
> I had a single need to convert this to html and found that AbiWord
> was quite easy:
> $ abiword --to=html filename.txt > filename.html.
> The trouble is; viewing filename.html with lynx or links it's double
> spaced.. I thought 'no problem,' we have the standard end of line
> thingy so I'll just edit filename.html substituting a space for the

entries... Oh yeah--grin--lynx and links still view it double
> spaced.. I tried several other 'fixes' to no avail.. Some crash and
> burn..
> Retyping the entire ascii text file into AbiWord and saving as a html
> file is fine, but I much prefer composing all files with a CLI
> editor.. Call me old fashioned?? Whatever.. I used WordStar for too
> many years I guess... (Failing eyes doesn't help)
> Any suggestions? TIA.

This sounds like a famirly conventional EoL (Cr vs LF) problem to me.
You should look at the problem file in some hex editor (e.g., hexer,
hexedit) and see what actual characters are at the ends of the lines.

Or, if you like, send me (off-list) a short sample (filename.txt and the
corresponding filename.html) and I'll take a look at it.

Yeah, I used Wordstar too. These days it's vi on Linux and WordPad on
Windows. Occasionally OpenOffice, but only when I must.

Guess us fogies have to stick together.

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Re: AbiWord, Text and HTML??

am 13.02.2006 15:38:13 von Hal MacArgle

On 02-12, Ray Olszewski wrote:
> Hal MacArgle wrote:
> >Greetings: A problem importing a previously composed ascii text file
> >with jstar (joe) or, probably, any standard Linux text editor:
> >
> >I had a single need to convert this to html and found that AbiWord
> >was quite easy:
> >
> >$ abiword --to=html filename.txt > filename.html.
> >
> >The trouble is; viewing filename.html with lynx or links it's double
> >spaced.. I thought 'no problem,' we have the standard end of line
> >thingy so I'll just edit filename.html substituting a space for the
> >

entries... Oh yeah--grin--lynx and links still view it double
> >spaced.. I tried several other 'fixes' to no avail.. Some crash and
> >burn..
> >
> >Retyping the entire ascii text file into AbiWord and saving as a html
> >file is fine, but I much prefer composing all files with a CLI
> >editor.. Call me old fashioned?? Whatever.. I used WordStar for too
> >many years I guess... (Failing eyes doesn't help)
> >
> >Any suggestions? TIA.
> This sounds like a famirly conventional EoL (Cr vs LF) problem to me.
> You should look at the problem file in some hex editor (e.g., hexer,
> hexedit) and see what actual characters are at the ends of the lines.
> Or, if you like, send me (off-list) a short sample (filename.txt and the
> corresponding filename.html) and I'll take a look at it.
> Yeah, I used Wordstar too. These days it's vi on Linux and WordPad on
> Windows. Occasionally OpenOffice, but only when I must.
> Guess us fogies have to stick together.

We're outnumbered... This is a _real_ education..
Slackware bundles 'hexdump' but, using it, I long for the old Norton
hex editor from Dos, that screen printed ascii as well as hex.. To
make matters worse; hexdump lists in groups of four characters in
_little endian_ notation.. That was a head scratcher... Worst of all;
where I expected an 0x0a/0x0d combination, it was a mere 0x20??? Too
much automation for this cat.. If I replaced all the SP's, I'd really
be in the soup... There has to be some shenanigans in the way I did
it.. BTW; Jstar (Joe) uses WordStar commands as does 'E3.' IIRC
though there was a problem with the .deb version I tried on a Woody
machine.. Forget now..

Cracking the HTML book I decided to bite the bullet and
prepare a html template with the minimum entries and go from there,
even though it means many

combinations.. Meanwhile Peter
suggested txt2html that I fetched, but it's PERL and linuxpackages
has no Slackware .tgz that I could find.. The README with
txt2html.tar.gz means I, now, have to crack the PERL books...

Appreciate!! The learning curve is alive and well..


Hal - in Terra Alta, WV/US - Slackware GNU/Linux 10.1 (2.4.29)
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Re: AbiWord, Text and HTML??

am 13.02.2006 15:42:29 von Hal MacArgle

On 02-13, Peter Garrett wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 13:15:36 -0500
> Hal MacArgle wrote:
> >
> > Greetings: A problem importing a previously composed ascii text file
> > with jstar (joe) or, probably, any standard Linux text editor:
> >
> > I had a single need to convert this to html and found that AbiWord
> > was quite easy:
> [snip]
> > Any suggestions? TIA.
> What about "txt2html" ? I imagine it's available for Slackware...
> The Debian/Ubuntu description from "apt-cache show txt2html" is:
> Description: Text to HTML converter
> txt2html is a Perl program that converts plain text to HTML.
> .
> It supports headings, lists, simple character markup, and hyperlinking,
> and is highly customizable. It recognizes some of the apparent structure
> of the source document (mostly whitespace and typographic layout), and
> attempts to mark that structure explicitly using HTML.
> .
> the purpose for this tool is to provide an easier way of converting
> existing text documents to HTML format. txt2html can also be used to aid
> in writing new HTML documents, but there are probably better ways of doing
> that.
> Peter

Greetings and thanks for your input.. I have fetched txt2html
and will try it once I get a hands on with PERL.. As mentioned to
Ray, there is no .tgz package on w3.linuxpackages, that I could
find.. I tried Slack 10.1; maybe I should have spent more time, eh??

Meanwhile we have a work around but an easier way would be
nice... Thanks again..


Hal - in Terra Alta, WV/US - Slackware GNU/Linux 10.1 (2.4.29)
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Re: AbiWord, Text and HTML??

am 13.02.2006 20:10:07 von Hal MacArgle

> On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 13:15:36 -0500
> Hal MacArgle wrote:
> >
> > Greetings: A problem importing a previously composed ascii text file
> > with jstar (joe) or, probably, any standard Linux text editor:
> >
> > I had a single need to convert this to html and found that AbiWord
> > was quite easy: ((Note: But not completely satisfactory.))
> [snip]

> What about "txt2html" ? I imagine it's available for Slackware...

I couldn't find it at w3.linuxpackages.net, but fetched the
strange, to me, tarball and flailed away not knowing a thing about
PERL and CPAN, modules..

I, honestly, don't know what I did but I ended up with two
files: txt2html and TextToHTML.pm, both 0644, that worked perfectly
as long as I had the paths right... The latter file wants to be in
/HTML/ up from the current working directory..

Invoking 'perl txt2html filename.txt > filename.html' does
the job flawlessly.. It even created a link when it saw
"http://............" And the html file size was realistic; only 4X
compared to 10X for the Abiword conversion..

I'm happy.. Thanks Ray and Peter.. Now on to the next crisis,


Hal - in Terra Alta, WV/US - Slackware GNU/Linux 10.1 (2.4.29)
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