Help! im having trouble error handling mysqli_connect() with posted passwords.

Help! im having trouble error handling mysqli_connect() with posted passwords.

am 14.02.2006 00:38:43 von Ninja_Monkey

hi im trying to write myself a simple database management system. and I have
noticed that whenever i use a connect command like this:
$connection = mysqli_connect($_POST['host'], $_POST['user'],

if all three parts are supplied it goes ok and returns an Object which i can
check after with is_object($connection).
However if there is the $_POST['pass'] empty and it is required. the error
it generates automaticly prints the error where the mysqli_connect() was
called even if i add 'or die()' at the end.
i have found that the type this error returns is boolean but i cant seem to
get the error to stop printing automaticy as its called?

i have tried putting scripts in strait after like if
(mysqli_connect_errno()) {} ect. and the error still prints at the call.

can anyone help?

Re: Help! im having trouble error handling mysqli_connect() withposted passwords.

am 14.02.2006 01:24:07 von Shion

Ninja_Monkey wrote:
> hi im trying to write myself a simple database management system. and I have
> noticed that whenever i use a connect command like this:
> $connection = mysqli_connect($_POST['host'], $_POST['user'],
> $_POST['pass']);

I think you should test the variables first to see that you have at least host
and user.

/* we prevent error message to be typed out with the @ */
if($connection = @mysqli_connect($_POST['host'], $_POST['user'],$_POST['pass'])) {

/* connection went okey */

} else {
/* connection failed */

> if all three parts are supplied it goes ok and returns an Object which i can
> check after with is_object($connection).
> However if there is the $_POST['pass'] empty and it is required. the error
> it generates automaticly prints the error where the mysqli_connect() was
> called even if i add 'or die()' at the end.

die() don't stop error message output, it just kills the script.


Re: Help! im having trouble error handling mysqli_connect() with posted passwords.

am 14.02.2006 11:28:53 von Ninja_Monkey

thanks a lot. il give that a try. whats the @ sign for? ive never seen that
method used before?

"J.O. Aho" wrote in message
> Ninja_Monkey wrote:
> > hi im trying to write myself a simple database management system. and I
> > noticed that whenever i use a connect command like this:
> > $connection = mysqli_connect($_POST['host'], $_POST['user'],
> > $_POST['pass']);
> I think you should test the variables first to see that you have at least
> and user.
> /* we prevent error message to be typed out with the @ */
> if($connection = @mysqli_connect($_POST['host'],
$_POST['user'],$_POST['pass'])) {
> /* connection went okey */
> } else {
> /* connection failed */
> }
> > if all three parts are supplied it goes ok and returns an Object which i
> > check after with is_object($connection).
> > However if there is the $_POST['pass'] empty and it is required. the
> > it generates automaticly prints the error where the mysqli_connect() was
> > called even if i add 'or die()' at the end.
> die() don't stop error message output, it just kills the script.
> //Aho

Re: Help! im having trouble error handling mysqli_connect() withposted passwords.

am 14.02.2006 11:34:21 von Shion

Ninja_Monkey wrote:
> thanks a lot. il give that a try. whats the @ sign for? ive never seen that
> method used before?

It's for suppressing error message outputs from functions, just place it
infront of a function which you don't want to output error messages directly
to the webpage, but do that with care as it makes it more difficult to hunt bugs.
