DBIx::Migration::Directories 0.01 released
am 15.02.2006 03:46:49 von TylerDBIx::Migration::Directories 0.01 has reached CPAN:
http://search.cpan.org/~CRAKRJACK/DBIx-Migration-Directories -0.01/
DBIx::Migration::Directories provides you with a framework for managing
database schemas easily. You create a directory to hold your schema, then in
that directory create sub-directories containing the SQL code to install,
remove, upgrade, or downgrade your schema.
When asked to install, upgrade, or downgrade a database schema,
DBIx::Migration::Directories will look at these directories and attempt to
find the shortest path between two schema versions. It will then run the
entire upgrade code in one transaction, rolling back if the upgrade fails.
Multiple database schemas can be managed within one database.
* Works with Postgres, MySQL, and SQLite2
* Easily extensible for other database engines
* Install, upgrade, remove, *or* downgrade database schemas
* Easy binding of schema versions to perl modules
* "_common" and "_generic" schemas avoid duplication of effort
* Test framework that keeps your databases clean
* Module::Build subclass makes it easy to install schema files
For more information, see:
http://search.cpan.org/~CRAKRJACK/DBIx-Migration-Directories -0.01/lib/DBIx/Migration/Directories.pod
http://search.cpan.org/~CRAKRJACK/DBIx-Migration-Directories -0.01/bin/migrate-database-schema