Hash and Encryption Considerations
am 21.02.2006 22:38:52 von operationsengineer1
hi all,
i'm delving into using php to hash passwords to store
in my pg db. i will also be looking into encrypting
personal information, too.
i think i have a decent understanding how to use php
to accomplish these tasks, but i'm not sure if there
are any pgsql considerations - even after spending
some time searching for something relevant.
i'd appreciate any insight from some more experienced
developers may have on this topic.
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Re: Hash and Encryption Considerations
am 21.02.2006 23:06:25 von fparks
I use a text field and md5 that is built into php. It works fine.
operationsengineer1@yahoo.com wrote:
>hi all,
>i'm delving into using php to hash passwords to store
>in my pg db. i will also be looking into encrypting
>personal information, too.
>i think i have a decent understanding how to use php
>to accomplish these tasks, but i'm not sure if there
>are any pgsql considerations - even after spending
>some time searching for something relevant.
>i'd appreciate any insight from some more experienced
>developers may have on this topic.
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>TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq
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