help - isolate specific xml from mySQL entry?

help - isolate specific xml from mySQL entry?

am 24.02.2006 19:29:57 von henshu

I wonder if its possible to "extract"/copy/parse a specific line of xml
from my mySQL table - isolate it from the rest of the mysql entry (on
PHP display)?

example (as mySQL see's it):
"Today is sunny with chances of rain
this evening. So you may want to carry your umbrella on your way to work."

isolated out to:
width="50" alt="rain" title="rain" />

In this example I'm trying to make a PHP file that isolates and displays
only the img src tags, ignoring the text spiel attached to it. Of course
I can get the whole entry from mySQL to pop-up in the PHP (all the
regular text + the images), but I have yet to figure out a way just to
have the images showing (since they share the same mySQL table, I can't
isolate it normally as if it were 2 different columns/tables).