Status of DBD::mysql with MySQL 5

Status of DBD::mysql with MySQL 5

am 25.02.2006 11:25:18 von Giuseppe Maxia

Hi, all.
I missed Patrick's request for comments almost one month ago, and I hope
I can still contribute some points.

Migrating Perl applications from 4.1 to 5.0 brings several problems ranging
from broken compatibility to the unavailability of new MySQL 5 features
due to lack of suitable interface.

The first one is related to the prepared statement protocol, which is
the default behavior in the latest development releases.
This breaks code with statements like "USE db_name", because this command
is not supported by the prepared statement protocol. I reported this
problem (bug #15665) and it was fixed in release 3.0002_5
Unfortunately, I was not thorough enough in my report, since I stopped
at the first problem I had (with USE, that is). But the same problem
arises when using any replication related commands, such as
actually most of the SHOW commands.
Either all these commands are filtered (which should slow down query execution
speed), or the default behavior should be brought back to the emulated prepared
Moreover, I learned recently, during a presentation by a MySQL developer, that
the only benefit of prepared statements in MySQL is to have the query on the
server side, i.e. we only save network bandwidth, but the prepared query is
evaluated through the query optimizer every time. There is no real "prepared"
query mechanism that saves optimizer time. With this fact in mind, I believe
that the balance between this little benefit and the risk of breaking existing code
is in favor of keeping emulated prepared statements as the default.

The second problem deals with stored procedures that return one or more record sets.
In C, it is enough to use mysql_next_result to get all record sets in order, with their
possibly different metadata correctly read.
With DBD::mysql, only the first record set is recognized and reported.

delimiter //
drop procedure if exists several//
create procedure several()
select user() as u,now() as t;
select database() as d,now() as t , "hello";
end //
delimiter ;

Using a C routine that reads all recordsets (the same as the regular mysql client does), I get
$ ./multi_client
query> use test
0 rows affected
query> call several()
| u | t |
| user@localhost | 2006-02-25 11:03:05 |
1 rows returned
| d | t | hello |
| test | 2006-02-25 11:03:05 | hello |
1 rows returned
0 rows affected
query> exit

There is no equivalent Perl routine to achieve the same result.
Here is my try:

# --- CUT ----
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use Data::Dumper;

my $HOST = '';

my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:test;host=$HOST"
. ";mysql_read_default_file=$ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf;mysql_multi_res ults=1",
undef, undef, {RaiseError => 1})
or die q{can't connect\n};

print $DBD::mysql::VERSION, $/;
print Dumper $dbh->selectall_arrayref('call several()', {Slice => {}});
# --- CUT ----
From this snippet, I get:

$VAR1 = [
'u' => 'gmax@localhost',
't' => '2006-02-25 11:05:39'

Perhaps I am missing some obvious thing, but I wasn't able to find any help in the docs so far.

The third obstacle to have full development with stored procedures is a mechanism
to pass parameters to procedures accepting an OUT or INOUT argument. There is no standard
DBI method for this, so I believe that it is time to make a specific extension to

create procedure xyx (IN param_w, IN param_x, OUT param_y, INOUT param_z ) ....

I could not find any way of passing a variable to param_y and param_z.

All comments on these points will be greatly appreciated.


_ _ _ _
(_|| | |(_|>< The Data Charmer

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Re: Status of DBD::mysql with MySQL 5

am 25.02.2006 21:27:44 von Jochen Wiedmann

Giuseppe Maxia wrote:

> Moreover, I learned recently, during a presentation by a MySQL developer, that
> the only benefit of prepared statements in MySQL is to have the query on the
> server side, i.e. we only save network bandwidth, but the prepared query is
> evaluated through the query optimizer every time. There is no real "prepared"
> query mechanism that saves optimizer time.

I disagree. The true benefit is that the server *knows* the required
data type, thus knows how to handle the arguments. This is something
that the client can never do and has been a source of confusion from day
1 of the emulated statements.

> The third obstacle to have full development with stored procedures is a mechanism
> to pass parameters to procedures accepting an OUT or INOUT argument. There is no standard
> DBI method for this, so I believe that it is time to make a specific extension to
> DBD::mysql.

Wrong. DBI *can* handle IN and OUT variables. See bind_param_inout.


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Re: Status of DBD::mysql with MySQL 5

am 25.02.2006 23:12:22 von Giuseppe Maxia

Jochen Wiedmann wrote:
> Giuseppe Maxia wrote:
>> Moreover, I learned recently, during a presentation by a MySQL developer, that
>> the only benefit of prepared statements in MySQL is to have the query on the
>> server side, i.e. we only save network bandwidth, but the prepared query is
>> evaluated through the query optimizer every time. There is no real "prepared"
>> query mechanism that saves optimizer time.
> I disagree. The true benefit is that the server *knows* the required
> data type, thus knows how to handle the arguments. This is something
> that the client can never do and has been a source of confusion from day
> 1 of the emulated statements.

You are right about that. I don't deny there are some benefits in using prepared statements.
I have been waiting for their implementation in MySQL and I welcome them.
But I must stress that this should not be the default behavior, if it disrupts
existing applications.

>> The third obstacle to have full development with stored procedures is a mechanism
>> to pass parameters to procedures accepting an OUT or INOUT argument. There is no standard
>> DBI method for this, so I believe that it is time to make a specific extension to
>> DBD::mysql.
> Wrong. DBI *can* handle IN and OUT variables. See bind_param_inout.

Thanks for pointing out that. I missed that method.

Unfortunately, this method doesn't seem to be implemented in DBD::mysql.
When I try to enter OUT or INOUT parameters using bind_param_inout, I get the
error "Output parameters not supported".
Is it truly so or it is perhaps just a documentation problem?

> Jochen


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(_|| | |(_|>< The Data Charmer

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Re: Status of DBD::mysql with MySQL 5

am 26.02.2006 09:23:13 von Darren Duncan

At 11:12 PM +0100 2/25/06, Giuseppe Maxia wrote:
>You are right about that. I don't deny there are some benefits in
>using prepared statements.
>I have been waiting for their implementation in MySQL and I welcome them.
>But I must stress that this should not be the default behavior, if it disrupts
>existing applications.

I disagree. True prepared statements should be the default and
should be left the default. That gets the most people using them,
and brings any remaining implementation issues to the fore, so that
they can be fixed.

So switching back to emulatated mode is BAD, BAD, BAD.

The only best solution is to fix any remaining statements so that
they work with true prepared statements.

In the mean time, people like you can manually switch back to
emulated mode if you need to, but that inferior situation shouldn't
be pushed on others by default.

>Thanks for pointing out that. I missed that method.
>Unfortunately, this method doesn't seem to be implemented in DBD::mysql.
>When I try to enter OUT or INOUT parameters using bind_param_inout, I get the
>error "Output parameters not supported".
>Is it truly so or it is perhaps just a documentation problem?

Once again, if that isn't supported, then they should become
supported. This is no excuse to default to emulated mode.

-- Darren Duncan

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