Newbie question
am 25.02.2006 14:24:07 von gjbHi,
Apologies if this sounds dumb but I'm very new to this.
I'm just trying to create a simple login page ( In my MySQL databases I have the
correct database selected, but it's the users I'm struggling with. You get
like a front end with my hosting space (CpanelX) and in there I've created
user "admin" password "admin" but I cannot seem to login.
This is what I see in the front end..
Users in test
barnes_admin (Privileges: ALL PRIVILEGES)
Connection Strings
Perl $dbh =
DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:barnes_test:localhost","barnes_admin ","
PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "barnes_admin", "
mysql_select_db ("barnes_test");
Is there anything more I need to do? Do you login with barnes_admin or just
admin? (I've tried both) and why does it created barnes_admin and not just
admin? Also what are the connection strings for? do I need to do anything
with these?
Thanks very much in advance for any advice..