What"s your time worth?

What"s your time worth?

am 28.02.2006 00:18:22 von Tony Peardon

Hi all,

Eventhough I've never hired out to anyone for anything that I know how
to do, I still like knowing what the skills I have are worth in the open
market. I'm not a database anything yet, barely a newbie, but I'd still like
to know what knowing this database stuff is worth. So, anyone care to
confess how much they make off of their database skills.

Just curious,


Re: What"s your time worth?

am 28.02.2006 04:57:37 von Stefan Rybacki

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Tony Peardon schrieb:
> Hi all,
> Eventhough I've never hired out to anyone for anything that I know how
> to do, I still like knowing what the skills I have are worth in the open
> market. I'm not a database anything yet, barely a newbie, but I'd still like
> to know what knowing this database stuff is worth. So, anyone care to
> confess how much they make off of their database skills.

I guess its not just database skills but the entire package.
But it never hurts to your know stuff even if you don't need it, because
maybe someday there is a time you may need it.
So what do you want to know by asking what others do make off their
database skills?


> Just curious,
> Tony,

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Re: What"s your time worth?

am 28.02.2006 19:42:47 von nc

Tony Peardon wrote:
> So, anyone care to confess how much they make off of their
> database skills.

Software Development magazine runs annual salary survey. In November
2005, they published the following figure: average salary of a
staff-level database administrator is $79,000 (U.S. dollars).
