php warning

php warning

am 03.03.2006 08:50:33 von Marcin Podlesny


First I must say that i'm a database (MSSQL) programmer (not php
programmer) but I do a project with php part. This part is beeing done by
programmers in other firm, so I'm completely rookie in php.

The problem I have is a warning appearing when php executes one of my
stored procedures. Warning message:

"An output parameter variable was not provided"

I've searched google but I found nohing interesting about this. I checked
if procedures parameters declared in php are correct and they looks ok in
my opinion.

What can cause this warning?


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Re: php warning

am 03.03.2006 11:10:41 von Shion

Marcin Podlesny wrote:
> Hi,
> First I must say that i'm a database (MSSQL) programmer (not php
> programmer) but I do a project with php part. This part is beeing done
> by programmers in other firm, so I'm completely rookie in php.
> The problem I have is a warning appearing when php executes one of my
> stored procedures. Warning message:
> "An output parameter variable was not provided"
> I've searched google but I found nohing interesting about this. I
> checked if procedures parameters declared in php are correct and they
> looks ok in my opinion.
> What can cause this warning?

It's not easy to say when not knowing how the code in this part of your script
looks like.

Looking at mssql_execute() user comments, there seems to be bit trouble with
the function.

--- user comment by SQL dot User ---
To receive output parameter from the procedure which returns one or several
recordsets, try this code:

mssql_bind($my_procedure, "@OutputParameter", SQLVARCHAR, true);
$result = mssql_execute($my_procedure);
while(mssql_next_recordset($result)) {
## do something

after listing last recordset output parameter will be available (strange...).

If you do not need output recordsets, just parameters, try this:

mssql_bind($my_procedure, "@OutputParameter", SQLVARCHAR, true);
$result = mssql_execute($my_procedure, true);

P.S. Tested on PHP 4.3.5.
--- eof ---
